In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ get healthy/ giveaway/ let's go outside

2014 joovy resolutionsX2 :: $600 giveaway {#Joovy2014ResolutionsX2}

**I was not compensated to share this awesome-ness with you all – just doing so because I want one of YOU to win!!**

joovy logoWith it being the “new year”, I am totally pumped to be able to share this fabulous group giveaway that I’m taking part in, sponsored by Joovy.  Joovy, as you know, is a favorite brand of mine.  Their products are pretty outstanding and they continue to add new items to their line.joovy resolution giveaway image

Today…oh today!!  Who wants to win $600 to go towards a Joovy shopping trip?  I hope everyone reading this yells ME!!  Well, the Rafflecopter code to enter is below, but take a moment and pop on over to the Joovy Blog Post talking more about it.  It’s a fun read…and oh the anticipation of who will win!!!

More details HERE, but don’t delay.  Enter today – ends January 27, 2014 at 11:59 pm.  It is open to US and Canada residents!

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One winner will be pulled from this multi-blog giveaway to win $600 to go towards Joovy products on!!!  WOW!!  Here is how to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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