{super fun image above pulled from The Bookworm Wife}
If you haven’t heard already, we are expecting our final blessing to complete our family. Baby #4 is on the way and we are pretty excited! Even though we have “been there, done that”, it’s still just as exciting for us the fourth time as it is was the first time. 🙂
For now, I am dealing with some big questions with what we are going to do in about 3 weeks. We find out (if baby cooperates) after Labor Day. The big question is whether or not we will find out in the ultrasound room or save that excitement to experience with our family and friends. I’m like 98% sure I want to wait until that night before finding out. But what I can’t figure out is if we do something cool or if we just open the envelope. Hmmm…
If I had my pick, I would do what DesignHER Momma did. Have you seen her reveal post yet? If not, click on over. I think it’s SO cute! I would LOVE to include my kids like this. When we found out what we were having the third time around, I have the envelope to my friend and she prepared an amazing party for us. At the party we had a lovely cake, and the inside of the cake was PINK (instead of blue, obviously meaning the gender). It was super fun too.

For us, it’s either going to be Team GIRL all the way, or it may be mixed up with a sweet little boy.
I have been asked about a bajillion times if I want a boy. My answer. Simply stated, I don’t care. I am feeling so lucky and blessed that God gave us another one that I really just want what is going to be best for our family. Sure, a boy would be nice to mix things up…but goodness me would that REALLY mix things up LOL! I would have no clue what to do. I’d probably have to move in with my girlfriend who has 4 boys already 🙂 I know, I’m being dramatic, but in actuality, I would just roll like the first time we brought a baby home. I was clueless then too 🙂
If we had a boy, our name could go on as well. Honestly, that part right there makes me wish for a boy. But who knows…
To have another girl would be just as cool. We know girls. We have PLENTY of girl toys clothes and everything else in between. However, the seasons would not match, so I’m not sure the clothes would work in the end….
We haven’t done many of the wive’s tales out there yet either. I did google “chinese birth calendar” and did three different calendars. Those results were…
So, in regards to that calendar, boy it is!
My friend told me about another one, the Pencil Test. Have you done that? If I have time, I will do that for fun, full well knowing, nothing is a sure bet until the sweet baby comes out and we see with our own eyes.
I talked your ear off. Talk to me! What reveal ideas have you seen that rocked? Do you have pictures or a blog post? I’d love any ideas you can give me!! Thanks for listening!!
4 is 4 is 4… | it's all pink 2 me
April 2, 2015 at 12:03 am[…] blogged over on the SIMPLE moms, on a topic I typically talk about here. I wanted to be sure to post this here as well for all the […]
August 22, 2013 at 11:15 pmThis is adorable! I was telling my husband that if we had another, I want to do this!! Ingenius!!
August 17, 2013 at 9:59 amCongratulations! The Chinese calendar was wrong for both of mine, but my sister-in-law swears by it! We did the pencil test at a baby shower for my cousin when I was 13. My pencil test said I would have a boy and a girl and it was right. But, it stopped there and we’re not sure if we’re done yet, so if there’s a #3 it’s going to be a surprise! Good luck with your choice! We were boring with both of ours. My son, we found out at the ultrasound and just called everyone. My daughter, we didn’t find out and were surprised when she was born. New follower!
Shannon :: owner
August 20, 2013 at 2:24 pmoh but that’s so cute that your son called everyone!! 🙂 yay on the new follower! i hope you enjoy what we have 😉
August 16, 2013 at 4:02 pmShannon,
I have done the pencil test MANY times with a couple dozen of my friends and it works EVERY time! It’s almost scary! 🙂 GOOD LUCK! Can’t wait to hear the great news!
Shannon :: owner
August 20, 2013 at 2:24 pmi totally have to do this then, maybe today LOL!