Recently I had a few friends pop up on social media asking for kid-free getaway tips and destination recommendations. Kid-free trips are not a new experience in our household as the first one occurred 9 years ago when our oldest was around 5 months old. I’ve learned a lot about making these trips a success for everyone and thanks to trial & error as well as following the advice of parents more experienced than myself I have some tips for anyone looking to have a successful kid-free getaway in their near future.
1) Childcare You Trust :: This almost doesn’t need to be said, but if you want to relax on your getaway make sure the people watching your kids have your confidence whether it be family, friends, or paid sitters.
2) Medical Authorizations :: Check with your doctor for what they specifically recommend, but a signed and dated note detailing who has authorization to make emergency medical decisions for the kids when we are away has come in handy more than once.
3) Get the Kids Excited :: If the kids are excited about who will be watching them, the games they will play, or the special events they have planned while you are gone it makes that time more enjoyable for everyone.

5) Don’t Call Too Often :: Some kids will need to talk with their parents once a day to feel okay and others may need to only check in with you every couple days. Text messages or sending photos can go a long way to helping kids feel connected without derailing the fun for you or them. I’ve learned that sometimes the kids who are happy all day long completely lose it when they are reminded with a phone call that we are gone.
How do you make kid-free getaways a fun event for everyone?