Now this looks like a very easy way to save money for the year. What a great idea. Another idea would be to do it backwards, so you would have more by the end of the year….a great way to save for Christmas.

I challenge you to do this…I am going to try and do it. Let us know how you do and if you have any tricks to staying on track.
the artist :: jaime is a mama of three sweet littles. she lives life day by day and is passionate about natural living and organic products. she loves to snuggle, blog and take photos. she has an eye for design and loves to sip on wine. sunflowers cheer her up. she also loves to travel and learn.
Find more of Jaime on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
Ginny Logan
January 14, 2013 at 12:44 pmOk, so I just “caught up” with the challenge today. I do all my banking electronically so I made the transfers. (Love my ING accounts for stuff like this.) Anyways, I found this cute printable version of it that I have on my desk. I started backwards as suggested, but might jump around a bit. I’ll mark off each contribution I make and date it and see how the year goes. I’m not afraid to jump around if the larger amounts don’t work for a given week.
Shannon :: owner
January 6, 2013 at 12:33 amSeems so simple, love it!
January 5, 2013 at 9:05 amI’ve seen this floating around! We are gonna do it too 🙂