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the license plate game :: USA and Canada :: free printables

This summer driving plans may simply to be running errands around town or your family might be taking a longer road trip across the country, either way there is no game quite as easy to start and play as the License Plate Game. All you need is a pencil, a list of the US states or Canadian Provinces & Territories, and some observant vehicle occupants.

playing the US States license plate game on the simple moms

Below you will find links to print up alphabetical lists of either the US States or Canadian Provinces and Territories (just click on the image for the desired printable).  I suggest printing off both as a double sided sheet and making a separate printout for each kid who can read to avoid arguments about whose turn it is to mark off a license plate. Of course ignore that suggestion if you’re one of those people who can not only remember all the states, provinces, and territories but also enjoys yelling out each one’s spelling to your kids while trying to safely navigate the expressway at high rates of speed. Personally, I’m using this game as a way to make the car more quiet.



Whether your travels will be near or far this summer I wish all my fellow parent chauffeurs good luck as you attempt to retain your sanity while entertaining your children.

checking boxes on the license plate game from the simple moms


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  • Renee Rousseau
    June 18, 2018 at 2:08 pm

    I have fond memories of this car game! I find myself checking plates still, especially at amusement parks! Thanks for the printouts!

  • Michele Pineda
    June 14, 2018 at 12:04 pm

    these will come in handy during summer road trips, thanks!