In holidays

wacky december holidays… for those of us who sometimes need a break from all things christmas

It is not even officially December yet and I’m already starting to get a little annoyed with the overwhelming abundance of all things Christmas. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas a much as the next person but having it in my face all the time with half the preset buttons on my radio playing Christmas music since November 1 has gotten old already. I kinda want to react like my 3-year-old who now claps his hands on his head and starts yelling that the music hurts his ears whenever he’s reached his fill of Christmas music. I would take this halfway seriously if he wasn’t also yelling “Rock-n-Roll! Turn it UP!”

For those of us who sometimes need a break from all things Christmas here are some other fun reasons to celebrate during December.

After all the feasting we just observed and the cookies to come this seems like a great healthy way to kick off the month.

December 1 Eat A Red Apple Day on the SIMPLE moms

I don’t know what I love more about this holiday, that it exists at all or that it is an INTERNATIONAL holiday. Either way my kids are going to have so much fun being little ninjas this day.

December 5 International Ninja Day on the SIMPLE moms

Honestly, the possibilities are endless…

December 16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day on the SIMPLE moms

So I know that this day is kinda Christmas themed but what kind of person would I be if I didn’t share the joy this holiday can bring with others? For those of you who haven’t already figured it out, on this day you need to answer your phone “(INSERT YOUR NAME) the Elf, what’s your favorite color?”

December 18 Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day on the SIMPLE moms

Long time fans of Seinfeld will recognize this holiday. Do a quick search to find out more on how to enjoy this wacky and obscure day. Our family’s personal favorites are the “Feats of Strength.”

December 23 Festivus on the SIMPLE moms

With the New Year right around the corner and all those weight loss resolutions staring us in the face what better way to celebrate than with bacon?

December 30 Bacon Day on the SIMPLE moms

In all seriousness I hope that you and your family enjoy whatever celebrations you participate in this month!

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