This summer on July 20 we will celebrate the 50th anniversary since the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. Whether you lived through the original Moon Landing or, as millions of children have since then, learned about it as an elementary student, the historic event that occurred that day still fascinates the old and young alike. With three kids at our house who are currently fascinated by all they see in the night sky I thought it would be the perfect time to share these three books from our friends at Sleeping Bear Press.
Experience the excitement of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing in “The First Went Who Went to the Moon” by Rhonda Gowler Greene. If the perfect blend of verse and informational text is not enough to engage your little readers, the amazingly realistic illustrations by Scott Brundage will surely finish the job. Older kids will appreciate the extra facts and photos included in the back of the book. Ages 6-9
For a much different perspective on the Apollo 11 Moon Landing I highly suggest “Marty’s Mission: An Apollo 11 Story” by Judy Young and illustrated by David Miles, which is based on actual events. In this Tales of Young American Series books we learn about a young boy named Marty who ends up having an actual impact on the success of the Apollo 11’s safe return to Earth. Ages 6-9 (or any young STEM enthusiasts or aspiring astronauts who need inspiration!)
Lastly I am sharing a book that has nothing to do with space exploration and everything to do with saying Good Night! In “Good Night, Library” by Denise Brennan-Nelson you can read a sweet rhyming story about how even the library has to go to sleep at night. The perfect length book for reading to your kiddos before bed I love how Marco Bucci created such a fun looking library in his illustrations. Ages 4-7
What new titles are your family enjoying?
Maryann D.
April 21, 2019 at 8:38 amAll of these books seem wonderful to read with children. They would be perfect gifts for any child.