In halloween

how your family can celebrate halloween with your pets

Your kids love the costumes and treats that come along with Halloween. But what about your pets? They, too, can join in on the fun. Celebrating Halloween with your pets is a fun way for the whole family to get involved. But how exactly do you go about this? Here are some easy ways you include them in the festivities.

Safety First

For your pet to have fun, they need to be safe! Halloween can be overwhelming and potentially dangerous for your pets if you don’t take the right precautions. Their costumes, for instance, can be hazardous if they are too tight, have small edible components, or restrict movement. Another potential safety issue is human Halloween treats. Keep candy such as chocolate and gum in secure places. Make sure your kids know not to feed these to your pets as they can be dangerous. Brush up on Halloween safety tips for pets such as these to ensure everyone can enjoy the holiday!  With that said, here are some ways to get your pet ready for spooky season.

Dress Them Up

Not every dog or cat is compliant when you put a costume on them. But take advantage of it when they don’t mind! There are plenty of cute pet costumes available at Halloween stores. If you are looking to get creative, you can even make it yourself.
Get Them Halloween-Themed Toys

Costumes definitely aren’t for all pets. But they can still be involved by carrying around a themed accessory. You can easily find the perfect toy; Halloween stores sell ones that look like everything from pumpkins to bones. Like with costumes, you can also try to make toys yourself. Get creative and recycle items such as old socks, t-shirts, or gloves. If you have a fish, decorate their tank with mini tombstones or skulls.


Obviously, your pets can’t enjoy typical Halloween treats. However, there are plenty of pet-friendly recipes you can try out. For instance, some people use leftover pumpkin guts to make delicious biscuits. Use pumpkin or bone cookie cutouts to make the treats even more festive.

Trick or Treat with Them

If your dog is well-behaved and can handle the environment, take them trick-or-treating with your family. They can also be there to help you pass out candy if you’re staying home. Trick-or-treaters will love the furry welcome and appreciate their costumes!

Go to a Pumpkin Patch

You’re probably going to get a pumpkin or two this season. When you go to the pumpkin patch, why not let your dog tag along? They’ll be able to enjoy the cool weather and get some exercise. Before you go, ensure that the farm is pet-friendly. It’s a good idea to bring a leash and keep an eye on your dog at all times.

Carve a Pumpkin in Their Honor

While you’re at the pumpkin patch, be sure to pick one out just for them. The possibilities are endless when it comes to how to design it. You can carve something as simple as the outline of a dog bone or a paw print. If you are looking to go a little bigger, try printing out pet carving patterns online. Those who are especially artsy can even carve out their pet by hand with a reference picture handy.

Watch a Scary Movie

Sure, your dog or cat may not understand the plot of Halloween or The Exorcist. However, catching a scary movie with them can be a great activity if they want to stay away from the hustle-and-bustle of trick-or-treating. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity to get some extra snuggles in. How could you possibly feel scared with their comforting presence?

With these tips, your pet is sure to have a happy and safe Halloween!

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