1 In live events

supercross live recap

disclaimer no giveaway

We had a great time in Oakland on Saturday night. For the second time, we enjoyed Supercross LIVE and it didn’t disappoint. You don’t have to be a die hard motorcycle fan to enjoy this sport. We were there for the races, balls of fire, stadium food, some selfies, and family time.


You can laugh, but we bundled up because it was 48 degrees. We are cold wimps in California. I’m glad we were prepared since this was an outside event.

Speaking of being prepared, I highly suggest you bring ear protection. You don’t have to spend much, MACK’s earplugs are affordable and easy to pop in your purse.


If Supercross LIVE is in your neck of the woods, I urge you to check out the event. We are always looking for family-friendly activities and this certainly is a great one. This candid photo captured my husband having a nice chat with the kids. Between races they reset the track a bit and we enjoyed talking and of course stadium food!IMG_1027

Grab tickets when the Monster Energy Supercross comes to your town. I have one tiny tip…higher elevation seats allow you to see more of the track. While close is cool to see the riders up close, you don’t have a view of the entire race.  HERE is the schedule.

follow www.supercrosslive.com on ::


Posted by The Simple Moms on Wednesday, February 5, 2020

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  • Dana Rodriguez
    February 5, 2020 at 1:01 pm

    How fun! I have never attended one of these. Looks like everyone had fun!