In birthday

how to plan a child’s birthday party amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Most people already learned how to adjust to the new normal caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now slowly absorbing changes in our daily routine, such as working at home and our kids’ online schooling. As we learn to prevent the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, industries are opening up to cater to our needs, especially on our special occasions. As parents, we wouldn’t want our kids to miss celebrating their birthday. It would be nice to invite guests and have a traditional birthday party at your house. If you want your kids to experience an extraordinary birthday celebration, here are some fun ways to do it, pandemic style.

For Playful Kids

It is common for our children to be active and playful. You may consider having their birthday celebration at Jumbaloo Playgrounds with your kid’s family and friends. This type of venue can host parties that feature activities that kids can enhance their physical and mental abilities. The management keeps the place sanitized and serves the best foods for their guests.

For Artful Kids

Some kids like to create crafts that make us proud of them. On your child’s birthday, you can organize an online birthday party with their friends, where everyone can do a project together. The kids will use a desktop, a laptop, or a smartphone to join the online video call on the party date. An instructor will show all the guests step by step procedures for creating fun crafts while comparing notes with one another. Good music, dancing, and singing will complete the party.

For Roblox Enthusiasts

Roblox is one of the most in-demand game apps today for kids, and the company developed the “Play Together” game board that enables people to socialize. There are birthday party themes that include riding virtual water slides and other fun activities. You need to subscribe first to gain access to this beautiful virtual world for your kid’s birthday celebration.

For More Excitement

Our kids like to play detective sometimes. It would be wonderful to let them experience a virtual mystery to solve. There are now digital escape rooms that have themes such as Cinderella, Hogwarts, and Minecraft that would require a Zoom account to access the digital escape rooms. The kids will enjoy solving riddles, math problems, and word solutions to unlock a mystery.

A Virtual Sleepover

The pandemic caused us to stay indoors and not see our friends and family in person for a long time. Don’t let this ruin your kid’s birthday, and take advantage of our technology today. Sleepovers are very popular among children. On your kid’s birthday, you may choose to set up a virtual slumber party with their friends by using any video-sharing platform. Make sure that you charge their device before they go into their room for the night. You can tell the other kids to prepare their midnight snacks, or better yet, send some small packages that contain popcorn for a movie night ahead of time. The kids will have a fantastic bonding experience with this activity.

Go Offline

Do something different for your kid’s birthday by surprising them with a birthday parade. Invite your kid’s friends and their families to drive by your house, but no one will get out of their car. They will honk their horns, display their balloons, singing, and flashing birthday greetings through their car windows, parade-style. Be mindful of the time you will set this because your neighbors might get upset if the noise disturbs them.

Anything for Your Child

Whatever happens, a unique birthday celebration will make your child happy—creating beautiful memories with friends and family, even if you celebrate it merely in your home as a family.


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