In around the house/ good eats/ in the kitchen/ recipes

country crock :: asparagus bouquet recipe

This post is sponsored by Country Crock. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

I don’t know about you, but I am always on the look out for new and fun ideas to make healthy food.  We eat pretty decent in our house, but I feel some weeks sure do lack variety and creativity.  Drives me crazy to eat the same thing over and over.  So variation is key.

I had the chance to get a copy of Clare Crespo Cookbook and this is FULL of ideas to spice up my mealtime routine!

Last night we were having dinner and it included asparagus – one of our favorite side dishes 🙂  While the kids were playing around and I was preparing dinner,I pulled out the Clare Crespo Cookbook to find a variation of something we were having anyways. When I told my little ladies dinner was ready, they came out to this (forgive the stock photo, mine had much to be desired compared to this one LOL!):After the giggles were done, they asked what it was?  I told them asparagus and tonight we can sprinkle lemon on it!  Another favorite thing of my Lili’s 🙂 It was a hit!  Here is the recipe:

4 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes

2 lemons
3 Tbsp. Country Crock® Spread
1 bunch asparagus, 1-2 inches trimmed from bottoms
1/4 tsp. of salt
1/8 tsp. of pepper
A few sprigs fl at-leaf parsley
4 wooden skewers

Use a small sharp knife to make zigzag cuts around each lemon as far into the center as possible. Once you have made it all around the lemon, carefully separate the halves, trimming any pieces that need it. Insert skewers into the uncut side of lemon halves.

In a skillet, melt Country Crock® Spread. Add asparagus and cook for 3-6 minutes until bright green and can be pierced with a fork. Add salt and pepper. Remove from heat.

Arrange asparagus, lemon “flowers” and parsley in a clean glass vase. Serve and encourage everyone to squeeze lemon flowers on their asparagus.

Nutrition Information per serving: Calories 70, Calories From Fat 50, Saturated Fat 1.5g, Trans Fat 0g, Total Fat 6g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium
220mg, Total Carbohydrate 8g, Sugars 1g, Dietary Fiber 4g, Protein 2g, Vitamin A 20%, Vitamin C 80%, Calcium 4%, Iron 10%
Asparagus is an ancient vegetable that is a good source of vitamins A and C.

The addition of Country Crock to this recipe preparation was a new one to me.  The kids seemed to love the taste of the asparagus as it was something new.  And what I loved about it, it was a simple new step! Thankfully my kids eat vegetables already so this was a simple move.

8 out of 10 kids think veggies with Country Crock are delicious

Next, the Clare Crespo Cookbook.  This thing is awesome.  It is full of SO many ideas for recipes to add variation to something you may or hopefully will be adding soon to your mealtime routine.  The recipes are super simple and for Type A personalities like myself, there are easy to follow step by step directions. 🙂

I haven’t used a whole lot of Country Crock in the past, but was interested in these following facts:
Country Crock is a good choice.
70% less saturated fat and 30% fewer calories than butter
0g trans fat
RD approved
Recommended in 2010 Dietary Guidelines

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Are you looking for quick and simple tips and recipes to make serving veggies more fun? Download the free Clare Crespo Cookbook here for fun and whimsical recipes your family is sure to love!

*This is a sponsored post, however the opinions express here are my own!*

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