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a simple {real food} recipe :: homemade mayonnaise

Chicken sandwich with homemade mayo and a side of fried sweet potato fries!

This one is so simple – I promise!

Years ago I don’t think I knew there were other options for a sandwich spread other than Miracle Whip – have you seen ingredient list on that one?!

Even the so called healthy ones (like ones labeled organic or even olive oil claims) are full of processed soy, MSG, and other toxic additives. Mayo only needs a few simple ingredients to taste delicious. The abundance of fresh olive oil and pastured egg in this recipe is so nourishing – you won’t feel bad about using it in so many recipes!

This takes me 5 minutes start to finish to make! Including clean up since it’s blended right in the jar! I have tried many recipes for mayo, and this is one I have come up with that our taste buds enjoy – play around with the seasoning to your taste!

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 pastured egg

¼ tsp onion powder

¼ tsp garlic powder

½ tsp sea salt

Pepper to taste

1 ½ tsp maple syrup (local if possible – may omit if you don’t prefer a “sweeter” mayo like Miracle Whip 😉 )

1 TB real lemon juice (not from concentrate – I like having these on hand. If you like a tangier mayo you can add more!)

1 cup extra virgin olive oil (the one pictured here is from our dear friends who have a family farm in Greece where they press their own olives yearly! Get the best you can afford 🙂 )

  1. Put all the ingredients in a pint size container/mason jar.
  2. Pulse a few times with a hand held blender right in the jar, and then completely blend through, moving the handheld blender up and down, until thick. (This is the handheld blender I have)
  3. Keeps in the fridge 2 weeks.

Kitchen Tips:

  1. The mayo turns out more “yellow” vs “white” like the type you would see on the store shelves. This is because real egg yolks are very yellow, and there are no toxic additives in there to change the color 😉
  2. One week while I was making this, I forgot that I was almost out of olive oil and ended up using 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup coconut oil – it was SO good! And I make it that way every so often 🙂 It gives it a sweeter taste like the Miracle Whip I grew up on!
  3. A food processor would work well if you don’t have a hand held blender – I just love not making any more dishes to wash than I have to 😉
  4. If you are egg free…I have googled egg free mayo recipes and there are tons! I have never tried one – let me know if you have one that you like and we’ll share it on this post to help others! You may also use sour cream vs mayo in mayo type recipes if you can handle dairy. I do it all the time!
  5. Using pastured egg is VERY important since the egg is raw in this recipe. You want to know where your egg is coming from. Ask around at farmer’s markets or look up farms in your area where you can find pastured eggs. Read THIS and THIS to find out more about how to pick out eggs.
  6. Read THIS and THIS on the importance of friendly fats and why you should not be afraid of them!
  7. Read THIS on the dangers of MSG and how they are labeled.
  8. Read THIS and THIS on the dangers of processed soy products and/or ingredients.


What is your favorite recipe to use mayo in? Do you make your own mayo already, and what are your special ingredients or techniques?! Let me know how you like the mayo if you try it for the first time!

Make up some mayo in the next couple days, and keep it in the fridge til Wednesday – I’ll show you our favorite chicken salad recipe – the perfect hot weather lunch or dinner!

This post was shared at Homestead Revival’s Barn Hop, Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday, and Real Food Freaks Freaky Friday!

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    We stopped buying mayo but I found an easy 3-ingredient busicuit recipe (self rising flower, milk – i use water or almond milk, and mayo). I even started making my own self rising flour and put some whole wheat flour in there. Thanks for the recipe 🙂

  • allison
    February 10, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    Do you need the yolk from the egg? Do you think this could be make using egg whites?

    • Renee
      March 22, 2013 at 1:16 pm

      Hi Allison! Yeah I’m pretty sure you need the yolk in there for consistency but you could possibly try 2 whites if you are allergic to the yolks (I’m assuming that is why you are wanting to avoid the yolk? The yolks are the most nourishing part if you are worried about the fat!)

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    August 18, 2012 at 11:46 am

    I’m going to have to try the 1/2 olive oil-1/2 coconut oil combo. Does the coconut oil change the texture of the mayo when it’s refrigerated?

    • Renee
      August 18, 2012 at 8:52 pm

      Hi Leslie 🙂 I thought it would but it doesn’t oddly enough. It is obviously thicker than at room temp but it isn’t rock hard like I thought it might get like how my coconut oil is from about September to May here in Michigan LOL 🙂 I actually prefer the 1/2 and 1/2 taste a little better 🙂

      • Valerie Wilson
        May 3, 2013 at 11:16 am

        I love the taste of 1/2 and 1/2, but I do not like the hardness of it right out of the fridge. It’s really firm and hardly spreadable. But I have to say that since discovering using the hand blender/stick blender/immersion blender there is absolutely no way I’m ever going back to the store kind. Literally, you can have mayo in less than one minute!! Using the usual blender, I just could not make it right and it failed over and over again, but with the stick blender it is a cinch!

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