In around the house/ eco-friendly/ let's go outside

dynatrap :: stop zapping. start trapping.

This summer our biggest nemesis to enjoying the great outdoors has been bugs. When I absolutely have to use bug repellents I try to stick with all-natural products, but if at all possible I like to avoid even those because of the potential odors or staining to our clothing.

Thanks to our new Dynatrap DT1100 the flying insects are losing the war of chasing us away from our outdoor fun and I haven’t had to deal with those potential messes or smells!

Here’s the condensed version of how a Dynatrap works.  (To learn more about each of the different aspects of the Dynatrap check out their How It Works page.)

The DYNATRAP offers a 3-way protection plan for insect elimination. First, UV fluorescent bulbs produce warm light to attract insects to the DYNATRAP. Second, an exclusive coating of titanium dioxide (TiO2) inside Dynatrap produces carbon dioxide (CO2), which is irresistible to mosquitos. Third, the insects are lured to the powerful vacuum fan, where they are collected and trapped into the retaining cage away from the area of usage providing the user safe pest protection and comfortable living quarters.Basically it all comes down to Dynatrap insect traps being a great way to reduce flying insects like mosquitoes, moths, biting flies, and wasps. Able to be used indoors or outdoors, they are pesticide and odor free, lightweight, and can be run 24/7 though a standard electrical outlet.

Even our DT1100 with its up to 1/2 acre coverage area is so quiet that I would not have known it was running if it wasn’t for the UV light being on.  After using a Dynatrap I’ll never again consider using a noisy, energy sucking, smelly bug zapper.

Visit their product page to see what each Dynatrap model offers to find the perfect fit for your insect trapping needs!

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Dynatrap DT1100 :: $139.00

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*

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