In books & learning/ holidays

sights and sounds of christmas :: christmas daily devotional download

From the Author: Taryn Raulston

The Christmas holiday season can be full of joy and fun. It can also be a time of stress and busyness. My goal in writing this devotion book is that we each take a few moments every day of December leading up to the 25th to read, sing and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It is my hope and prayer that as you participate in all the activities and enjoy all the scenery of this season, each sight and sound and symbol will bring you to a time of worship and praise of Jesus Christ our King, whom this whole celebration is about.

I downloaded this book last week. It’s a very quick read and a great way to start your day during the busy holidays. I know I have felt very overwhelmed this week (my dad had bypass surgery, we were stressing about selling a car, my printer broke and I couldn’t print coupons (GASP), etc. However, when I take just a moment alone to reflect on God’s Word, I have a much better perspective on my day. It only takes me a minute or two each day to read. (Side note, my dad is doing great, our car sold, and I’m installing my new printer next.) 🙂

Don’t be scared away if you don’t have a Kindle. I use my iPod which has a Kindle app or you can read it on your computer. Take advantage of this e-book FREE on Amazon if you have Amazon Prime or it’s 99 cents.

*All opinions expressed in this review are my own.*

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