In clean it up

keeping our children germ free :: is it possible?

Keeping Our Children Germ Free: Is It Possible?

How many parents have been told by older relatives that it’s best to let your kids roll around in the dirt and build up immunity to germs? Maybe your aunt informed you ‘matter of factly’ at a recent family Christmas, or perhaps it was your mum the last time the kids got the flu.

We have all heard the myth, but for many parents when it comes to keeping our children healthy we want to go on something more reliable than old wives’ tales.

But just how realistic is it to keep your kids’ environment germ free and clean? At times our little ones can seem like a beacon for bacteria and their naturally inquisitive nature means mucking about in the dirt seems like one of life’s greatest pleasures.

From running around with the family dog, to crawling across the floor and heaven forbid putting things in their mouths, children are drawn to unhygienic actions. But the worst thing we can do is remove those experiences all together. Some of the best memories from our childhood are when we are at our most grubby, and creating an artificially clean and sterile home environment isn’t the answer.

What is the answer?

The latest ad from Black & Decker touches on all of the common anxieties that we parents face. We want to create a fun and friendly environment for our kids to grow up in but don’t want to sacrifice on hygiene by allowing harmful bacteria into the home.

The Black & Decker Autoselect steam mop uses natural steam to kill off 99.9% of hidden germs and bacteria. It’s got an easy swivel head making it simpler to access those hard-to-reach places behind furniture and under beds. By using the power of steam the mop also lets you avoid harsh chemicals which commonly lead to conditions like eczema and other

Lastly, by cutting down on chemicals in the traditional mop and bucket method of cleaning, you can rest easy knowing less than harmful products are going down the sink, minimizing your carbon footprint in the process.

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