5 In around the house/ clean it up

time to clean up your shower curtain liner or buy a new one :: saturday inspiration

Do you have “buyanewcurtain” mold on your shower curtain? I don’t know if it’s mold or residue, but I seriously hate how my shower liner turns pinkish orange…and pink is my favorite color! I go back and forth on the best way to deal with it. I have a higher quality shower liner that is almost a fabric material in one of our showers, and a cheapo plastic one in our guest shower. I’ve concluded that there are two ways to clean these pesky pink shower curtains and they cost about the same.

1.)  Buy a new cheap liner (preferably when you have company coming).

2.) Try the steps below.

shower curtain liner cleanup

What I’m still looking for is a way to prevent this pink shower dilemma I have. Any suggestions from our readers would be welcome in the comments section. I don’t think rubbing a dryer sheet on my shower curtain is going to do the trick for this problem. 🙂 (see blinds and baseboard post to understand that joke.)

Baseboards 101oven clean upEasy and efficient cleaning of your blinds with a sock.If you like this cleaning tip and want more inspiration, please click the thumbnails to the left. I’ve got clean baseboards, a clean oven, clean blinds, and a white shower liner. Please comment if there are any specific tips you would like me to investigate for future posts. It’s trial and error sometimes, but the internet is a wonderful resource with lots of ideas and I’m happy to find the easiest way to get a job done.

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  • Megan
    July 24, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Supposedly spraying it with vodka will both kill and prevent mold. I live in Oregon and have huge problems with mold. I have been so tempted to try but we aren’t alcohol drinkers so I have yet to find the courage to walk in the store and buy it. I think I will soon though because I get tired of the bleach smell from cleaning mold in my crummy apartment.

  • pligg.com
    April 4, 2013 at 3:53 am

    time to clean up your shower curtain liner or buy a new one :: saturday inspiration…

    Regrettably, several believe that turtles normally obtain most of his or her fluid requirements by reviewing the meals and that for that reason they cannot demand added mineral water. Russians tortoises tend to be really adapted into the semi-arid natu…

  • Sue Hull
    February 10, 2013 at 2:46 am

    I forgot to share how I clean my shower doors and it works great. I use Avon’s Skin So Soft. I know you’re probably laughing because when I first heard it I did too. I tried it years ago when I was selling Avon and I was surprised that it actually works really good. I was like yay! Just don’t let it get in the tub or someone could slip and get hurt.

    • Ginny Logan
      February 10, 2013 at 2:27 pm

      Thanks for the tip for the shower doors. Our apartment had doors and they were a fright to keep clean too. It’s ironic that the place we clean ourselves is so dirty.

      I don’t like to mess around with mold. Especially since our kids take baths in there too. Nasty, nasty!

  • Sue Hull
    February 10, 2013 at 2:42 am

    I used to clean houses for a living and pink is bad.It’s the beginning of mold and it gets worse the longer you leave it. I’d just throw out your shower liner and buy a new one. If you would rather clean it that’s good too.
    Good Luck 🙂