In around the house/ get fit/ get healthy/ good eats/ health/ in the kitchen

quaker, it’s what’s good for your heart :: february heart health month

Quaker LogoI want to start this by saying, don’t skip this because you think you know what Quaker is! Quaker is not only a breakfast food…it’s oh so much more! Did you know that there is a Quaker Heart Health Month? I did not, but now that I do I wanted to share this post with you all.

When I was on Spring Break my Senior year in high school, my Dad went in to the hospital when I was on my way home. No one thought it was as serious as it was. By the time I arrived home, he was admitted and awaiting a double bypass open heart surgery. To say I was shocked would be an understatement! Since then, he quit smoking COLD TURKEY, became healthier with his food choices, exercised more, chose to not let stress take over (most times :)) and more. This did not only affect him, it affected the way that I look at life. When there comes a time when I am beyond stressed, I take a step back and remember what’s really important and back off. I can feel my blood start to boil and think of my heart. It may be silly, but that’s how black and white I think.  Heart disease unfortunately runs in my family. It’s not only my Dad that has had heart challenges in the past. I choose to take GOOD vitamins and ones that are great for my heart. I do my best to exercise often and eat the right foods too. And THAT is where Quaker comes in to my post!!

What are you having for breakfast?  Are you having breakfast?  It’s very easy to skip this meal, but I encourage you to not skip it.  How easy is it to make a delicious bowl of oatmeal?  Pour here, pour there, microwave and bam! Done!

Check out this fun little video, Quaker’s Epic Hot Breakfast with Fabio Viviani…then read below on details to enter the Epic Hot Breakfast sweepstakes:

You may be wondering about the video below.  Why Quaker and why Fabio Viviani?  Well, with February being Heart Health Month, Quaker teamed up with Fabio Viviani (cutie patootie, charming chef from Top Chef Season 5) to help inspire women to love their hearts and take action to help their hearts. In the video you will see it just takes simple little steps to help take care of your heart!  And it’s totally a cute, informative and funny way to get the point across!

So here are the deets:

  1. To enter, watch the video above, share it on Twitter and use hashtag #QuakerLove between February 14 through 28.
  2. One winner {and a guest} will be chosen by Quaker Oats (chosen at random from the participants who watched the video ABOVE or at and share it on Twitter using hashtag #QuakerLove between February 14 and 28) to get away for a few days, enjoy a spa treatment and dine at Siena Tavern in Chicago.  Boo-yah!
  3. At the end of the month, 15 participants will ALSO be chosen to receive an “Ultimate Hot Breakfast” prize pack.  In this will be Quaker Oats, signed items from Fabio Viviani, and additional items to help start your day.
  4. Quaker’s Epic Hot Breakfast sweepstakes will open February 14 at 10:00 a.m. CT and close at 11:59 p.m. CT on February 28, 2013.

Oohhh, one more thing! Who loves some Twitter Parties??? I sit here and raise my hand while typing 🙂 There is a Quaker Heart Health Twitter Party taking place on Tuesday, February 19th from 8-9 PM EST. Your host will be @ResourcefulMom, @Quaker *AND* @FabioViviani will be the celebrity guest. Follow these awesome peeps – and when tweeting be sure to use hashtag #QuakerHearts and RSVP HERE!

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*I am sharing this with you and received monetary compensation for posting.*

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