9 In around the house/ clean it up/ DIY/ frugal living/ money saving tips

time to clean up your desk :: plus diy furniture spray painting :: saturday inspiration

be inspired to clean up your deskbe inspired to not only clean up, but spray paint your deskYou get to pick how far you go with this post. If you simply have a messy work space / desk area that desperately needs your attention then set aside some time to clean up your desk. BEFORE and AFTER photos tend to inspire me, so there you go.

If you are really feeling ambitious and want to give your furniture a brand new look, then read on.

We have lots of cheap furniture that we bought when we were first married. The oaks and pine colors are no longer in style and since our furniture isn’t top quality, expensive pieces I got brave and decided to give spray paint a whirl. I am not super handy, but I do say this often “if I can fix it with paint then it can be fixed.”

Here is my painting resume and level of expertise: since we bought our home in 2008, I have painted every single room (some more then once), repainted our kitchen cabinets and added hardware, repainted bathroom cabinets, and now I’ve moved on to updating our furniture.  I’m not claiming to be a professional, but if you are intimidated to paint I’d like to encourage you to get over it. Spray painting is a great place to start because I’ve found it is the easiest.

Supplies Needed for this desk project :: Cost less then $10

1 can spray paint primer (brown or white depending on your project)
2 cans SATIN finish espresso spray paint

Desk Day

It took much longer to clear my desk off then it did to paint it. Don’t forget to remove all the hardware too. I started with a brown spray paint primer because I was planning to go a darker color (I got mine at Home Depot and I’m not brand loyal). If you want to paint something a lighter color then get white primer. Side note: NEVER spray paint inside…did that once and I had a film of spray paint dust all over our house…stupid, stupid, stupid. Get your furniture outside or in a well ventilated area and prime it. The can will tell you how long to allow it to dry, it’s usually about 30 minutes or so. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just make sure it’s an even spray.

Now for the fun part, your new color. I personally prefer a satin finish over glossy because it is more forgiving of mistakes. Choose a spray paint that bonds to wood, metal, plastic. It should only take one coat, but after it dries you may need to touch up here and there. My desk project took 1 can of primer and 2 cans of SATIN espresso colored spray paint.  As tempting as it is to get your furniture back inside, do give it ample drying time.  I don’t usually put anything directly onto the surface for at least a day, but I do move it back inside after 2 hours or so to avoid outdoor dust settling on it.spray paint projects

If you have any questions or if you are leery of painting something, comment below. Start with something you aren’t nervous to ruin…although I think you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to spray paint. It’s amazing what updated hardware can do for a piece of furniture as well. I hope you are inspired to give spray painting a go. Be warned, it’s addicting. In the past 2 weeks I have redone a bookshelf, my desk, and a dresser.

Baseboards 101oven clean upEasy and efficient cleaning of your blinds with a sock.shower curtain liner cleanupHere is a recap of the past few Saturdays of inspiration, click the thumbnails to the left.

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  • Jocelyn
    March 16, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    Hi! How durable is spray painted furniture? I wanted to do this to a bedroom dresser.

    • Ginny
      May 31, 2013 at 1:24 pm

      Sorry, Jocelyn…just saw your comment. It isn’t 100% durable, but it has been fine for our bedroom furniture because it doesn’t get much usage besides opening and closing drawers. If it was our kitchen table I wouldn’t suggest it. My desk has held up great, but I don’t really write on it…just stacks papers and other messes cover it most of the time. 🙂

      So, did you try it? It’s been a few months since you commented. Let me know how it went!

  • staples :: shed, shred and get ahead in 2013 :: review & free shredding
    March 1, 2013 at 2:00 pm

    […] of you probably made resolutions to be more organized this year. I recently cleaned up my desk (see post) and got  myself back in better working order. When I look at my desk it is covered in Staples […]

  • Renee
    February 16, 2013 at 1:18 pm

    Great post Ginny 🙂 I love the cradle and high chair for Annabelle! I may have to do some garage saleing this spring and see what I can find. BTW we have the same cheap just out of collage furniture and mismatched wood colors…sigh….I just may have to take this on after the snow melts outside… 🙂

    • Ginny
      February 16, 2013 at 3:01 pm

      Thanks Renee. The cradle and high chair were mine when I was little and they were my aunt’s before that. I felt guilty at first painting them since I know they are antiques, but then I decided if I was going to use them in Annabelle’s room I wanted them to match. After a fresh coat of spray paint I put on some decals and I’m in coordination heaven.

      Even I had to wait for the weather to be warm enough to spray paint. Put it on your spring list for a sunny day. I think they say 60 degrees or more is ideal.

  • Emi
    February 16, 2013 at 11:09 am

    Never seen satin espresso spray paint before. What hardware store did you get it at and what brand was it? Thanks!

    • Ginny
      February 16, 2013 at 11:33 am

      Hi Emi,
      For this project I used Rust-oleum brand Painter’s Touch spray paint. I bought it at Home Depot. It was only a couple of bucks for a can too!

  • Linda Schlaich
    February 16, 2013 at 9:49 am

    Regarding the punch tab rewards, it might be a scam website, they are not giving the Target e-gift card that I redeemed points for. Just FYI

    • Ginny
      February 16, 2013 at 11:34 am

      Hi Linda,
      I can see the bar at the bottom too and I’m not sure how it works. I’ve let the higher powers know about your comment. We of course don’t want our readers getting scammed. Thanks for your comment.