Today I’m talking about the Infinity Scarf. I am not very good at tying scarves, but I love to change up an outfit with the look of a scarf. The infinity scarf is so easy to grab on the fly and wrap around your neck. I wear it with short sleeves, long sleeves, dresses, and sweaters. The lightweight material makes it perfect for all seasons. Speaking of seasons…it’s a great scarf for all seasons of life too. I wore mine quite a bit when I was pregnant. I didn’t feel all too glamorous at the end, but I felt like my scarf distracted from my waddle and puffiness. Lets move on to the postpartum days. Again, scarf to the rescue. I wasn’t feeling much like dressing up for Charlie’s 1 week photo shoot, but I love how this scarf works with so many colors, pregnant and not pregnant stages, seasons, etc.
Do you have a little girl? You must check out Brown Eyed Girlies as well. Annabelle loves to match me. She is wearing a Brown Eyed Girlies infinity scarf and a hair bow. Great quality items. We’ve had the hair bow for over 3 years and it’s still in perfect condition.
Head on over to Bedeckle or Brown Eyed Girlies Facebook pages and LIKE the page. Then send a message that you are a Simple Mom reader and LIKED the page and you will receive a 20% off coupon.
Bedeckle Infinity Scarf :: $25
Brown Eyed Girlies Scarf :: $10
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