Let’s face it… when you bring your little bundle of joy home from the hospital, you never dream that you will be sitting on the couch for HOURS a day feeding that little one. You may even start to feel like you are losing touch with the outside world as you grow roots to your recliner, couch, rocker, or what have you. I know that when I first brought my son home, my cell phone became my lifeline to the outside world.
But have you ever considered the adverse effect that your cell phone can have on your baby? I know that I did not pay as much heed to this as I probably should have! Because babies have thinner skulls and bones than adults, they can absorb up to twice the amount of radiation than grownups.
Belly Armor has a series of products designed to help combat radiation. According to Belly Armor, “Numerous studies have shown that (radiation) impacts the way cells grow, DNA replicates, and brain cells function.” Radiation can take years to show their effects in young children, but are you willing to take that risk?
When I received the Belly Armor Nursing Cover, I was pleasantly surprised by how lightweight it was! My active imagination had me envisioning those heavy lead aprons you have to wear when you get an x-ray taken… haha…. Thank goodness Belly Armor is more ingenious than that! 🙂 This nursing cover uses RadiaShield Fabric that is 99% effective at eliminating non-ionizing radiation emitted from everyday gadgets.
The most important question is DOES IT WORK? And the answer is yes! A very simple test that I performed was to look at my cell phone reception before I put it under the cover. After it was under the cover for 30 seconds, I removed the phone and the cell signal had dropped drastically! This was the proof in the puddin’ for me!
If you are looking for a cute nursing cover to use that will also protect your little one, check out the Belly Armor Nursing Cover! I can guarantee you will not be disappointed in the protection it provides!
Nursing Cover :: $49.00
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