6 In DIY/ fashion/ fashion for mama

my hair was saved… by a sock??? :: fashion

OK moms… I know I’m not the only one out there who has let her style take a backseat to her little one(s).

It’s a miracle if I even get a shower during the day, let alone take the time to do my hair! Seriously?! Who has an extra 30 minutes to blow dry and straighten or curl their hair with 100 loads of laundry, a sink piled high with dishes, a child crying in the other room and a dog that needs to go outside to torment the neighborhood squirrels???

That is why I am SO excited that I have discovered the secret of the sock bun!

After my son is in bed, I can take a leisurely shower. All I have to do afterwards is dry my hair, roll it in a sock bun and go to bed. The next morning I have beautiful curls!

Thank goodness Sunday mornings are no longer C-RAZY at our house as we get ready for church πŸ™‚


I hate taking selfie photos… sorry for the awkward pictures! hehe

How to make a sock bun ::

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  1. Find your mismatched socks.
  2. Cut the toe off of a sock.
  3. Turned the sock inside out and roll it from the toe to the finished end. You should end up with a “donut” shape.

How to roll your hair ::

PicMonkey CollageLOGO

Click on the photo to enlarge

  1. Put your hair in a high pony tail. If your hair is totally dry, spritz it with a little water. Everyone’s hair is different, so you may need more or less water than I do. Just experiment with it πŸ™‚
  2. Place the sock bun around the pony tail.
  3. Because I have layers, I bend over so that the layers fall forward as I roll the hair. If you do not have layers, you can stay upright πŸ™‚
  4. With the sock bun toward the ends of your hair, begin tucking your ends in around the sock bun. As you roll the sock bun towards your scalp, continue to tuck your hair in the sock bun. Be sure to work around the entire circumference!
  5. Once you are done, it should look like the picture on the RIGHT.

A LITTLE SIDE NOTE :: I have found that after I remove the sock bun I have a ring where the pony tail holder was, but it seems to blend into the curls after I run through my hair with my finger tips.

Now talk to me mammas! I know this was a game changer for me… do you think this will help you? If you have any questions, let me know!

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  • Ginny
    September 17, 2013 at 1:23 am

    I tried this a while ago and it didn’t work…like not even close. I need to try it again. Your tutorial looks better then the one I tried. It’s super cute! Oh, and just you wait til you have 3 kids. You get really good at getting ready fast! πŸ™‚

    • Shanda
      September 27, 2013 at 3:19 pm

      I’m sorry Ginny… it is definitely something that takes a little tweaking. I also personally think it works best with longer hair. Give it another go! Worst case scenario you wear your hair in a pony tail that day! πŸ™‚

  • Claira
    September 16, 2013 at 11:08 am

    Looks super cute!! Is your hair pretty damp when you roll it up? I love the idea of the sock bun but can never seem to get my hair to roll up neatly…

    • Shanda
      September 27, 2013 at 3:20 pm

      I have really thick hair, so my hair is virtually dry when I roll it up. If it wasn’t my hair would still be wet in the morning! πŸ™‚ This is something that is kind of trial and error as far as dampness goes. Also, try to roll your hair bent over… I find this keeps the layers falling one direction.

  • Michelle
    September 15, 2013 at 10:31 am

    This is awesome ! And funny too because i actually went out and bought the sock bun holder thingy at h&m !! but really could have just made one like you ! it is so fun to wear the bun high like that and i also like to add a headband too!

    • Shanda
      September 27, 2013 at 3:21 pm

      I have definitely worn the bun out and about too! If I have a nice evening planned, I can keep my hair cute throughout the day in the bun and then take it down before I leave the house πŸ™‚