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keep your device going strong with the powerocks magicstick :: review

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powerocks I don’t know about you, but my phone and I are not on the same page when it comes to battery life. I leave my house every morning with a beautiful 100% charge and somewhere in the vicinity of 1:00, I notice that my my status bar has gone to yellow. By 3:00, I am in the red. And while I do have a car charger, throwing my phone in my car means I could miss an important call from my day care provider or my child’s school. So I was pretty geeked to check out the Magicstick from Powerocks. All you have to do is keep your charged Magicstick with you and when your device is running low on battery, plug it in and bam! Problem solved. The Magicstick will begin charging your device immediately and will give it the boost you need to get through the day.  

The Magicstick comes equipped with a universal USB port that is compatible with almost any device: phones, cameras, MP3 players, handheld games….you name it. And your fully charged Magicstick has enough juice in it to fully charge your device up to two times. With the press of a button, you can check how much battery life your Magicstick has left so you know when you need to recharge it (it does take a few hours to charge the Magicstick so you do need to stay on top of making sure your power-upper has enough power in it). It is made of a sturdy aluminum material that is both sleek and lightweight. It even comes in a variety of fun colors to choose from and has a nifty carrying case to keep it safe and secure. The Powerocks Magicstick is a must for any mama on the go. Order yours today to make you are never left high and dry with a dead phone battery again!

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Powerocks Magicstick :: $49.99

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