2 In big kid gear/ books & learning

EZ LEAPS…let’s learn to tie :: review

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Teaching your kids to tie their shoes isn’t easy! Or is it?
I have been trying to teach my son to tie his shoes for over a year now.  He gets his fingers all mixed up and the laces not in the right spot. I feel bad.  Maybe the teacher (me), in this case isn’t saying it the right way.  I’m not totally sure, but I needed help.

When EZ Leaps contacted me, I was photo_56hoping for it to be a simple easy process to teach him.  Boy, did it make it so much easier for him to learn.  One little tool to help and it was done. 

He is so excited to be able to tie his own shoes and so is mama!photo_3photo_4

At what age did your child learn to fully tie their shoes?  Was it hard for you and them?  Or was it a breeze?  Let me know!

EZ Leaps :: $5.49photo_1photo_2

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  • jr frugalmom
    March 20, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    Oh man that’s so cool. I’ve had a very hard time teaching my two oldest son, and this might help with the two youngest.

  • Amy
    March 20, 2014 at 12:31 pm

    This is really cool! I had the dickens of a time teaching my now 8 year old how to tie his shoes. I think I may have to pick this up for my younger kiddos!!