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craving curry? try eastern spice company :: review + coupon

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Eastern Spice CompanyWhen my husband was in graduate school, we lived in a large(ish) town that had a wide variety of restaurants. One night a friend invited us to have dinner with him and asked if we liked Indian food. Neither of us had ever tried it but were up for something new and different. That restaurant became our favorite very, very quickly. We didn’t have children when we first started going there but by the time we started having children, the staff knew us well enough to ask if they could play with the baby while we ate. Suuuuuuure!

We’ve since moved to Tiny Town, U.S.A. and no longer have an Indian restaurant close by. There’s one in the Big Town a few miles down the road, but it just can’t compare to our old favorite. And there’s a Greek restaurant in the Small Town where my husband works that serves Indian food on Thursday only, but sometimes a girl wants curry on a Tuesday, ya know? A few times I’ve tried to recreate our favorite dishes with okay-but-not-awesome results. I’ve tried bagged sauces, boxed curries, and recipes I’ve found online. The pre-mixed options always tasted…well, pre-mixed. And the recipes I tried always seemed to be missing a little something no matter what I did.

Indian Chicken Curry (Tamatur Murghi) from Eastern Spice CompanyWhen Eastern Spice Company contacted me, I was excited. The pictures on their website looked a lot like the dishes we used to have back in Large(ish) Town. And when the spice tins came in, one sniff of the vindaloo spice blend and I knew I’d struck gold! My brother and I love spicy foods (and my husband is learning to), so we tackled the Vindaloo. But I worried that it might be a little too spicy for the children so for them we made the Indian Chicken Curry. The children found that theirs was still a bit too spicy, so next time I’ll use more tomatoes. In the recipe they explain how using more or less tomatoes affects the taste.

Indian Tangy Curry (Vindaloo) from Eastern Spice CompanyThe recipes weren’t hard to follow and each dish only took about 45 minutes to prepare. And they were delicious! Every adult ended up having seconds and since we made two recipes there was more than enough for all of us to have leftovers for lunch the next day as well! Each recipe listed on ESCo’s website shows a serving size of 5-8 people. I would lean more towards 7-8 people. Or 4 person dinner with 4 person leftovers lunch!

I also made naan – a bread, I discovered, is nearly impossible to screw up unless you um…forget to add salt. At least I realized it in time to make another batch before dinner! (Bread-making isn’t my forte and I’ve ruined more than a few bread recipes). I used this recipe (not from ESCo), which was easy to follow and had pictures. Pictures always help!

Eastern Spice Company spice blends were a big hit at our house and I will be ordering from them again! Want to try them out for yourself? See the coupon information below on how to save 10% off of your order today!

Eastern Spice Company spice blends :: $4 each

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Use the code ESC10 to save 10% off of your order.

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  • Sweta Sonulkar
    April 3, 2014 at 11:51 pm

    I love spicyness and love curries and rice

  • Nichole
    March 16, 2014 at 6:12 pm

    I love that your Greek restaurant has an Indian night. It sounds like your little town has character. 🙂 We’ve tried Eastern Spice Company’s spices, and we love them!

  • Susan McNeill
    March 15, 2014 at 8:48 am

    Looks SO good — we love Indian food. I think we might have to make some tonight — you inspired me 🙂