1 In baby gear/ clean it up/ in the kitchen/ organize

what would I do without my “lil sidekick?” :: review & coupon

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Who knew that something so simple would radically change my life?

Lil' SidekickMy son is just over a year old, so we are still working on the finer skills of eating. That is, eating without making a HUGE mess or throwing anything. I can not tell you how many times my little guy threw his water bottle onto the ground and popped the cap off of it. Each time, I inwardly cringed thinking he either ruined his bottle or dented my floor. If you aren’t a mom yet… just wait, these little people are fast! You’ll never see it coming! 🙂

The Lil’ Sidekick has  been a “floor saver.” I simply strap the Lil’ Sidekick onto his high chair and BAM – instant gratification! I mean, when he throws his cup off of the edge of his tray unexpectedly, it just swings through the air like on a trapeze. The first time he threw it and it didn’t hit bottom, you could tell he was a little disappointed there was no loud crashing sound. The only sound heard was a sigh of relief from me!

Lil’ Sidekick™ is a safe, simple solution that prevents your child from dropping or throwing items out of reach. The easy-to-use versatile design will secure any item from a small crayon, bottle or teether to his or her favorite baby cell phone. Lil’ Sidekick’s simplistic design is safe and allows parents to fasten it to a variety of items such as high chairs, strollers or an exer-saucer.”

Unless you have the perfect child, the one who never throws anything… then you need this! The Lil’ Sidekick may be small, but it works in a mighty way!

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Lil’ Sidekick :: $16.99

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Use the coupon code DROPGAME to receive free shipping on your order!

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  • Susan McNeill
    March 27, 2014 at 9:33 am

    I wish they’d had this when my kids were little!