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this summer we had fun with math, and it continues this school year :: review {#HMHAcademy #ad @HMHAcademy}

I received compensation from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for writing this post.

GMA-logo-170wI don’t know about you, but when I get overwhelmed during the summer months with the fact that my kids aren’t in school…and worry about the fact that they may be loosing knowledge learned the previous school year…I freeze. I don’t know what to do. I know, it’s dumb. But there are so many options out there that I just don’t know which ones to try. I don’t know which ones will breed success. I don’t know which ones will help my child actually LEARN and have FUN while doing it. It wasn’t until I found Go Math! Academy that these worries were set to ease.


Go Math! Academy™ is an online, at-home learning program based on Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s enormously successful GO Math!™ textbook curriculum, used by over 7 million kids worldwide. Go Math! Academy offers thousands of math practice problems, hundreds or help videos, and plenty of games and rewards to make learning fun!

My oldest daughter just LOVES math. I, on the other hand, do not have a love for it and am not gifted. My husband is though. So, we are going with that little fact and hoping that my daughter takes after him in this area of learning. The Go Math! Academy program combines learning and fun…yet, the learning isn’t all easy. It definitely challenges, but not so much that it’s difficult for the child to figure out and in return, they want to stop. Not once did we have that. She was stretched just enough to make her so happy when she finally figured out the answer!

One aspect of the Go Math! Academy program that I really like is the reporting. As a parent, you can set up to have your child’s progress emailed to you. Once a week I received this report.

This program is now available for ages of children that are in grades K-6. Once you get your child signed up, you can pick what “theme” they will complete the exercises in, under the sea or outer space. If at all confused during the process, there are videos along the way that are great step-by-step guides. And don’t worry, they aren’t forever long videos either.

One of the areas my daughter really enjoyed was the video area. There, your little one can search by topic, keyword and grade. Then, they get a lesson! Every now and then it would get quiet in my house and I would pop over and see my Lili on the computer checking out what was going on on the site.

A few more things I wanted to share…

  • Lively, engaging online experience lets children select a theme to launch their own personal math journey
  • Independent learning empowers children to complete the grade-level curriculum in order to select the skill they want to practice
  • Skill-boosting approach offers step-by-step math problems to support practice.

So, talk to me! Do you like what I shared here? Did I peak your curiosity? 🙂

Deets on pricing ::
Go Math! Academy is available in your choice of three payment plans (access for up to 5 children):
·         Monthly: $9.99/month
·         6-months: $49.99 ($8.33/month) – a 17% savings
·         1-year: $79.99 ($6.67/month) – a 33% savings

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  • Gina
    September 22, 2014 at 9:12 pm

    I love the idea of using this as summer enrichment and continuing during the year. I have one math-lover and one math-hater, but I think both would love this program!