4 In baby gear/ big kid gear/ clean it up/ travel

Table Toppers by Neat Solutions

Do you ever wonder what’s on a restuarant table? I do. I can’t imagine what’s on it. I know they clean them but I still do not want my child eating his food off of it.

That’s why I am so glad I found these Table Toppers. They are the perfect solution.

Table Toppers are on the go placements that stick in place at any table. They protect children from germs on restaurant table tops. Imagine it as a sanitary eating surface that sticks securely in place. (Think of it as a clean table…that fits in your diaper bag.)
These are a great size for kids and plus they haver fun characters and things for your child to keep amuzed with.

GET YOUR OWN!! Table Toppers – Around $4 for a pack of 20. You can purchase these online at several different stores like amazon, babiesrus, and Target.

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  • breehill
    June 16, 2009 at 9:11 pm

    Great idea! I tried this great program with my kids called Germy Wormy Germ Smart. It teaches proper handwashing techniques, how germs spread and how to NOT spread germs. It was so much fun and really amazing how quickly my kids learned healthier hygiene habits!

  • Andrea
    June 16, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    I never go without one of these. I use them all the time. =)

  • Amy - AKA - TigerMommie
    June 16, 2009 at 11:08 am

    These are fabulous……..I actually get the ones that you can color on….I believe they are made from chalk or something…..I've always got them in my bag with some crayons……..

  • Diana
    June 15, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    These are the greatest. As I used one last night for my 2 year old, I thought how great it would be for you guys to review. They are also environmentally friendly, which is a great plus!