In around the house/ christmas/ coupons & deals/ frugal living/ get crafty/ holidays/ money saving tips/ paper goods/ tech stuff

are you a #BlackFriday or #CyberMonday shopper? {#ODOMXBlackFriday #CleverGirls #sponsored}

It’s everywhere – everywhere right now a sale can be found! Let’s talk Black Friday versus Cyber Monday for a minute though.

What do you prefer!?!?

I’m more of a Cyber Monday gal, to be honest with you. I can’t FATHOM bringing my kids in the Black Friday madness. Heck, tonight many people were already out in it. Also, I don’t really want to leave my husband home with the kids either when him and I could be relaxing together after they go to bed. Maybe I’m old fashioned 😉 I’m totally not judging, but I just like to relax and I don’t really deal well with drama and rudeness. The one experience I had with Black Friday, a couple years ago, still haunts me to this day. Funny, right? Well, I won’t go in details there, but it’s vivid enough that I still hesitate greatly when contemplating trekking out in to the chaos.

odp-max-logoSo, for that reason, most every year, Cyber Monday is my cat’s meow. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to check out the super fun and funny graphic. 🙂 Let’s talk about deals you can find this year at Office Depot. I know, you must be thinking…what do I need printer paper for on Christmas? Oh wait, maybe that’s just me thinking that Office Depot is basically computers and printer paper. Yet, its so much more! I honestly don’t know why I am not shopping there more often for the items they carry. Their prices are great!! Ok, enough of my ‘mental notes’, let’s get on with the deals, and the place that I tend to start and end are areas names “Deal Centers“!! Yup, you had me at the name!

If you are looking for a laptop or a tablet, you have to stop there. Just tonight, they had many for $100+ off! If you aren’t looking for a laptop or tablet, they still have stellar deals on printers, desktop computers, accessories, computer chairs and more!

black friday tabletsblack friday laptopsLast thing before I go, did you know that OfficeMax and Office Depot are now one in the same? Ummm, what rock have I been under because I had NO clue! How cool is that though! Two great companies, now one!

Office Depot OfficeMax’s lowest prices ever.

Now, for a little fun. To stay in the “season”, let’s go ahead and #ElfYourself with their fun app! Elf your co-workers, your boss (if you dare), your children, your pets or other family members. Doing this is simple, just download “Elf Yourself” on your Smart Phone today! I want to see you! Be sure to tag @theSIMPLEmoms on Instagram or Twitter to show us your Elf-y self!!

Well, what say you dear SIMPLE readers? Are you a Black Friday or Cyber Monday-type shopper???


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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