1 In good eats

Plum Organics for tots

I know we all try to find the healthiest food for our children. It isn’t easy especially when they are picky eaters and don’t really care if they eat or not. My son could really care less if he ate. He could drink milk and water like nobody’s business though.

I am always trying to find different healthy foods for him to eat. When I came across Plum organics…I knew I had to try it. We got some in the mail yesterday and my son couldn’t wait to get it open to eat it…He tried the mish mash, blended fruit puree. He told me it was applesauce. I let him believe that it was. I tasted it and it was pretty good. He loved the banana and ate it all with in 5 minutes. Plus the hand container that it is in makes it so easy for my son to eat it himself. He loved it.
Features to love:

  • 100% organic fruit puree
  • no added sugar, juice, colors or flavors
  • real homemade textures & flavors
  • easy squeezy pouch for self feeding
  • resealable
  • child safe cap
  • BPA-free packaging.

We also got to try the fruity fingerfuls. They are two snacks in one, the Fruity Fingerfuls™ are a balanced blend of freeze dried fruit and whole grains. Perfect for little fingers, and with the no mess pieces that quickly dissolve into soft bites.
Features to Love:

All toddler snacks come in BPA-free packaging, which keep light, air and moisture from

Variety, each of the three snacks comes in three different flavors.

  • Convenience, convenience, convenience. No need for packing extra sandwich bags, snack holders and utensils (unless you prefer to serve the Mish Mash this way).
  • The products are low in sugar and carbohydrates; 2g in Fiddlesticks and Fingerfuls and 10g in the purees. Sugar comes from natural sources such as fruit the fruit itself and evaporated cane juice.
  • All ingredients are natural and edible. No strange preservatives and additives appear on the list.

GET YOUR OWN!! Plum organics can be found at Babies R US and online. Plum organics also has food for babies and kids!


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  • Joyce
    September 21, 2009 at 9:06 pm

    If your son loves the Mish Mash, check out the new Ella's Kitchen product line. My little one LOVES the great combos of fruit and veggies (I have to admit I like the smoothies as a pick me up snack on the go too!). We have been eating Ella's Kitchen products for over a year now living in the UK and now are so happy to see them in Babies R US and Toys R US (on sale too!). They are 100% organic nothing else added not even water – gluten, wheat, egg free- and also in the great packaging to make for easy to go treats!