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#aSIMPLEChristmas :: young living essential oils :: wellness in a bottle + an amazing deal

Merry Christmas from theSIMPLEmoms

younglivinglogoI’m sure by now most of you have heard about essential oils. Some of you already use them, some of you are curious, others of you roll your eyes. Wherever you are on the oil spectrum, take a minute to read more about Thieves oil from Young Living and an amazing deal you can take advantage of right now!

For me, Thieves is like wellness in a bottle.  A blend of five oils effective in aiding a healthy immune system, Thieves can be used for just about everything.  From purifying the air in your home to cleaning countertops to halting sickness.   Of all my oils, Thieves is what I use the most for myself and my kids.  If I know we’ve been around people who are sick, I diffuse Thieves in the house to kill some germs.  If I know something is going around at school, I apply some Thieves to my kids in the morning to help keep the germs away.  And at the start of a sore throat, I will gargle with Thieves or drink some Thieves tea.  Last year, my kids were some of the only kids at school who didn’t have a sick day.  Not even one.

I know a lot of people who sell Young Living oils, but knowing someone who can help you learn how to properly use oils is essential.    I leave that to the oil experts–like Theresa. Theresa has been using Young Living oils for almost two years.  She has dedicated time and energy to really learning about oils–from what gets rid of warts to how to repel lice to the best way to kick a cold.  Theresa recently attended the Fuel conference in Chicago and loves to help people start their journey to a more natural approach to life.

Theresa is offering an amazing deal right now!   If you order your premium starter kit (which is what I started with two years ago and is an amazing deal all on it’s own), Theresa is throwing in some amazing gifts for FREE.  In addition to the kit, you will receive a reference guide, dropper bottle, roller bottle, capsules and a FREE oil!.  That means you will get a high quality home diffuser and 12 oils!  Plus all of the extras!  In addition to those perks, once you order the kit, you are a Young Living member and are entitled to discounts on oils as well as access to an online forum where you can ask questions and get answers anytime of the day and you also have access to recipes and special classes for kit members.

I was super excited when Theresa told me she was offering this deal for The SIMPLE Moms audience!  It’s rare to see this kind of a deal when ordering a starter kit (I didn’t get this deal when I ordered mine two years ago!), so if you’ve been contemplating jumping in and giving Young Living oils a try, now is the time!  Feel free to ask questions in the comments section.  I know I was full of them when I started!

Here are the directions to place an order (it seems like a lot but it’s really simple):

  • Step 1: Go to this link to buy your kit:
  • Step 2: VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure “Wholesale customer” is marked off instead of “Retail Customer.” Independent Distributor means “member” to Young Living and it’s the only way to get access to the kit and the 24% discount you get afterwards. It’s really important!
  • Step 3: Fill out all the information. It will ask you for your ss# but this is only for legal purposes so that you have the ability to bring in a paycheck (YL is a referral based business). If you never sign anyone up, your ss # will never be used. Lemon Droppers do not pressure people into the business end…EVER. We want you to use and love your oils and we love you as a member whether you work the business end or not.
  • Step 4: Make sure you write down your pin, user name and password when you choose it because you’ll need that in the future to log into your account.
  • Step 5: Select the “PREMIUM STARTER KIT” and select which diffuser you would like it to come with. This is the one with the everyday oils kit and the diffuser and the start living kit. (Basic kit do not come with the oils!) It will start at $160 for the Dew Drop diffuser.
  • Step 6: Scroll down past the “Essential Rewards ” and ignore any prompts to sign up, unless this is something we have already talked about and you do want to sign up right away. Normally, I tell people to talk to me before they make their NEXT purchase, and we will see if Essential Rewards is for you.
  • Step 7: Before you select to checkout or activate your account, be sure to click the small link on the very bottom that says “add additional products” if you desire to do so. Then, add any oils, capsules, or products that you would like in addition to your kit if there are any.
  • Step 8: Check out, choose shipping, then activate and finish the process and you’re done! Seems like a lot of steps, but it’s really easy. Let me know if you have any questions!



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