Babywearing has been taking the world by storm the past few years. As parents realize the benefits of baby carriers, they realize how much more freedom they have! Strapping a baby to you gives you freedom you might ask? Absolutely! Rather than calming a crying baby in your arms while trying to keep your toddler from flushing your makeup down the toilet, your infant can be safe, snug and happy in a carrier… all while leaving you TWO hands to go “fishing.”
There are several stretchy wraps on the market, and the one that I just had fun trying is the Wrapy. Comparing it with “other” stretchy wraps on the market, I was pleasantly surprised! The Wrapy has 5% spandex woven into the fabric which I feel gives this wrap a little more recoil and support than traditionally all cotton stretchy wraps.
At first the Wrapy may be a little intimidating because of the length of the fabric, but let me assure you that with a little practice, it will quickly become your friend! So do not give up on your first attempt. One suggestion that I would make when you are getting it “set up” for baby, is to be sure to wrap it tightly around yourself. It IS a stretchy wrap, and as such, it will sag some. You need that fabric to be snug on you when you put your baby in… you’ll thank me when you do this! It is more comfortable for you and your baby.
Speaking of wrapping… the Wrapy comes with a nice instruction booklet with helpful pictures for showing you how to wrap your baby. The pictures were easy to follow. As always, please please PLEASE be sure that you are following safe babywearing practices by keeping your baby’s airways open and clear. Your baby should be close enough to kiss when you are done wrapping your baby which allows you to monitor your child at all times.
As you can probably tell from how I’ve spoken so far… I would recommend this wrap for a BABY. While the Wrapy is rated for children up to 35 pounds, I would not recommend this into toddler years. Let’s say 15ish pounds tops. The wrap is stretchy and does not offer the support that a wiggly toddler would need to be safely and securely worn. You will find that you will need an arm around your toddler even with the carrier on… which kind of defeats the purpose of babywearing in my mind.
Because my toddler is 32+ pounds, this wrap was not suitable for him. I planned on snagging photos with my friend’s sweet little baby…. but alas the past two weeks my family has been battling the winter sickies. Not wanting to spread any germs, Mr Bear was a willing and cute substitute!