In get healthy/ health

a baby’s gut :: a reason for concern

When having a baby, you can only hope everything will go perfectly and not have any questions or problems. Many times this is not the caseevivo.  We all have questions and concerns regarding our babies. I do think there a few things that we don’t pay attention to and really should more then anything. Gut health!  I know it may sound unusual but it a huge part of developing and cause for certain issues with babies.

Research confirms that these high rates of autoimmune and metabolic issues are linked to an imbalance of good versus potentially harmful bacteria in the gut – and it’s not always symptomatic or seen from the outside.  When I had my first child almost 11 years ago, this is definitely one of things I did not know about. I honestly wasn’t aware of any of this until my 2nd and 3rd child. I sure wish I was more aware about gut health in my kids because I do recall them having so many rashes and eczema.

The good bacteria, B. infantis, that protects the babies gut is missing in 97% of babies today and can lead to long term health issues. There are several reasons that it is missing in so many babies, but there is hope. Evivo was created, an activated B. infantis, a daily probiotic for babies. Evivo is 100% natural and has no artificial dyes, colors or artificial flavors, preservatives or additives. It is also gluten free!

All babies that were given Evivo in combination with breast milk had their gut restored 100% of the time. 

That’s amazing and definitely something I wish I would have had for my kids. I will definitely be recommending this to other moms because we are done having these cute little bundles!

Do you know anything about gut health and kids?  It is definitely something we should all be aware of!

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