Whether you are on a dairy break, allergic to dairy, or just plain love coconut milk, you are gonna love this cost effective way of bringing this delicious drink to your family every week!
Coconut milk can be expensive, and to be honest, most brands are full of added sugar, and are in containers lined with BPA that leaches into the milk. Native Forest
is the only brand I’ve found that is both BPA free and unsweetened, so it is a great option if you are in a bind and can’t make your own.
I make 2 quarts of coconut milk with this recipe and spend just under $3 🙂 Can’t beat that! And the leftover coconut shreds can be dehydrated and ground up for coconut flour – another great ingredient that can be very pricey but by making your own can save a lot. The left over coconut shreds can also be used in smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods. I love double duty!
We love coconut milk straight out of the glass, in smoothies, in popsicles, over soaked oatmeal – pretty much anything you would use regular milk in. In the winter months the cows don’t make as much milk as the summer, so our milk share is lower and we sub coconut milk weekly. And, as nutritious as regular milk is, we could all use giving our guts a dairy break in the winter. It is a good idea to rotate foods within the same category often – there is a reason God created those cows to make the majority of their milk only part of the year 🙂
Please see the bottom of this post for references on the dangers of processed soy found in other alternative milks like soy milk. Coconut milk is a fantastic, safe, and healthy alternative if you can’t handle dairy. And please use the comment section to ask questions if you have more! I love talking milk!
I compiled my recipe from many different recipes I have found and tried – this is what I have come up with that our taste buds enjoy! Feel free to play around with the stevia and vanilla to your taste – or completely leave out!
Here’s what you’ll need to make 2 quarts:

This is a bag of 6 cups of coconut shreds – I use 4 cups for coconut milk and the other 2 cups in my granola recipe!
8 cups hot filtered water
4 cups UNSWEETENED shredded coconut (I get mine in bulk at our local health food store – if you cannot find that, THIS is a great brand too)
2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
2 packets powdered stevia (optional)
- Heat the water up and pour the coconut shreds in a large bowl.
- Pour the hot water over the shredded coconut.
- Let the mixture “steep” for 2 hours with a towel over the top.
- Pour the mixture into your blender or food processor and blend for 30 seconds or so. I use my Magic Bullet – nothing fancy here, but it does take about 5 batches. I timed myself the last time I made it and it really only took about 7 minutes start to finish. A BlendTec or Vitamix is on my “someday hopefully” list and would literally take less than a minute I’m sure 🙂 …and I know ya’ll don’t want to sit there and hear me complain about my lack of blender power so I’ll leave it at that 🙂
- Set a dish towel or mesh strainer over a bowl and strain/squeeze out the milk. Squeeze as much as you can out of it! The coconut left behind can be used later – see below for details.
- Stir in the vanilla and stevia to your taste.
Kitchen Tips:
- The “fat” that rises to the top is essentially coconut oil – you can shake it up into the milk! This is actually called coconut cream and can be scooped off whipped into “whip cream” just like regular cow milk cream!
- I just use a dish towel to strain off the milk, but have used a mesh strainer before too. I hear cheesecloths or coffee filters work, but I had wasting those with just one use, and find I’m always needing something to go faster (not sure why that would be with a 15 month old hanging on my leg or up on my hip, and a 3 year old wanting to read a Max and Ruby book. For the 127th time today.) 🙂
- Coconut flour recipe is coming soon! Otherwise save that leftover coconut for adding to smoothies, oatmeal, granola, or baked goods!
- Read THIS to learn why coconut products are so beneficial!
- Read THIS and THIS to educate yourself on the dangers of processed soy in alternative dairy products like soy milk.
Let me know how you like the recipe if you haven’t tried it before! How do you use coconut milk? Anyone out there try making coconut milk yogurt before? My attempts have left me with more of a coconut kefir – quite liquidy. Tasty in smoothies but not much a of a “yogurt”.
Come back tomorrow for a super refreshing cucumber watermelon smoothie 🙂
This post was shared at Real Food Freaks Freaky Friday and The Prairie Homestead’s Barn Hop!
September 19, 2013 at 4:37 pmI made this earlier today and only ended up with a little over a liter of milk. Maybe I didn’t squeeze it out enough? Instead of a towel I used a coffee filter and squeezed it out with a spoon. Oh well, still cheaper and delicious. Now I’m off to find recipes for my shredded coconut haha.
orange creamsicles
June 3, 2013 at 10:04 am[…] (If going with the dairy, raw is preferable. Or non homogenized, low pasteurized. If you don’t make your own coconut milk, then Native Forest is the only brand I know of that is in a BPA free […]
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May 6, 2013 at 10:00 am[…] cup filtered water, whole cream, or whole milk (dairy or coconut milk) for cooking the oatmeal (if going with the dairy, raw organic is preferable. If you don’t have […]
April 27, 2013 at 1:51 amDo I store this in the fridge?
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April 24, 2013 at 10:00 am[…] in the bulk refrigerated section of our health food store) 1 tsp vanilla ¼ cup whole milk, coconut milk, or water (Preferably raw milk, or non homogenized, low pasteurized. Never […]
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April 12, 2013 at 3:04 pm[…] but a non homogenized low pasteurized is fine – never ULP). (If you are dairy free use coconut milk –SO […]
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March 27, 2013 at 2:01 pm[…] HERE is a good coconut milk recipe. Or Native Forest is the only brand I have found that isn’t in a BPA lined container. […]
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March 18, 2013 at 8:44 pm[…] HERE is a good coconut milk recipe if you are dairy free and need that vs the milk. […]
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March 18, 2013 at 10:00 am[…] SMOOTHIE: 1 cup whole milk, coconut milk, or water (preferably raw milk – or non homogenized, low pasteurized. Never ULP.) 6 ice cubes ½ […]
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March 11, 2013 at 8:53 pm[…] HERE is my coconut milk recipe if you want to do that up instead of the cream or milk. […]
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January 8, 2013 at 9:36 pm[…] your granola with whole milk or crushed in whole yogurt! If you are dairy free go for coconut milk or coconut […]
January 2, 2013 at 9:30 pmMaybe this is a totally dumb question, but… Can I not just use our regular tap water? (It’s city water, and we drink it!)
January 3, 2013 at 11:02 amHey Erin 😉 No question is dumb! Yep go ahead if that is all you’ve got access to!
a simple resolution :: simple real food changes | theSIMPLEmoms
December 31, 2012 at 8:53 pm[…] If you have a cow milk allergy, still consider the raw cow milk. Many people who think they are sensitive to milk can digest raw milk perfectly. The enzymes that help break down the lactose are completely destroyed during the pasteurizing process leaving it very hard to digest. But raw cow milk is digested easily. Still, you can try raw goat milk as well. It is not the same as cow milk lactose, and is delicious. If you still come up not being able to do either or just don’t have access, you can drink coconut milk. […]
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December 3, 2012 at 4:01 pm[…] cup whole yogurt (if you are dairy free use coconut milk yogurt or just do up some coconut milk or filtered […]
October 13, 2012 at 11:17 amThanks for this recipe! I’m trying it this weekend. We usually buy almond milk from WFM and, while it’s not prohibitively expensive for us, we go through so much and it only comes in a 1/2 gal. size. Also, I hope you’re able to get your Vitamix soon – we were able to buy one last spring when they had the demo show at our local Costco and I have never used a blender so much! The best part is it is so easy to clean. I think we made our money back using it within the first month – I seriously used it on average 2 x a day. Even now, it has a permanent place on the counter and is used 4-5 x wk. I just saw that Costco is carrying their newest model and it’s priced about $100 more than the one I got, but maybe they will be lowering the price on the older one to get rid of them. Anyway, I really love your recipes – thanks again!
October 18, 2012 at 3:56 pmHi Michelle!
Thank you for your kind words!
I hope the coconut milk works out well for you! It certainly is an easy process and when you have the nice blender like you have it’s even better I’m sure! Keep me posted on how it works out for you!
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October 8, 2012 at 4:02 pm[…] 3 TB milk (Raw if possible, or stick with organic low pasteurized non homogenized. Definitely stay away from ULP) (if you are dairy free use coconut milk) […]
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August 30, 2012 at 8:26 pm[…] 2 TB whole milk (Preferably raw, or non homogenized, low pasteurized – never ultra pasturized – even organic. If you are dairy free try coconut milk!) […]
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August 22, 2012 at 1:01 pm[…] double duty out of your coconut shreds – make coconut milk first, then dry/dehydrate out the coconut shreds and use them in your granola […]
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August 20, 2012 at 10:10 am[…] Come back tomorrow and I’ll show you how I make the most cost effective and delicious coconut milk! […]
Leslie @ Real Food Freaks
August 18, 2012 at 11:43 amI made coconut milk like this once… unfortunately, I wasn’t smart enough to hold the top to the blender on tight while I blending the hot liquid! Complete disaster… coconut milk everywhere! One of these days I’ll gather the courage to try again…
Oh, and I’m with you in wishing for a Vitamix, too! 🙂
August 18, 2012 at 8:49 pmHi Leslie 🙂 I totally have done that too! Actually I have to use a kitchen towel around my ancient Magic Bullet because it doesn’t have a great seal anymore and it burns my hand otherwise! I have a jar I’m putting extra change or dollars in I’ve had for about 9 months for saving for a Vitamix 🙂 I haven’t counted it yet cuz I know I’m not very close 🙁 Someday!
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August 16, 2012 at 1:32 pm[…] good quality, fresh cream, or, if you are dairy free try scooping the cream off the top of some coconut milk or use coconut butter or yogurt, and […]