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a simple real food recipe :: grain free blueberry breakfast muffins

This is one of my “go-to’s” for preschool morning breakfast. It is quick and easy, and with a side of eggs and whole milk, it is the perfect filling breakfast to get through 3 hours of preschool fun 😉

a simple real food recipe :: grain free blueberry breakfast muffins

As my blueberry harvest from last summer is dwindling in my freezer, I have been going for more of a raisin or dried cranberry inside versus the blueberries – but either is great! Whatever you’ve got! I have done apple chunks before as well with good turn out.

a simple real food recipe :: grain free blueberry breakfast muffins

You’ll need:
1 cup almond flour
¼ cup coconut flour
3 eggs
½ cup melted butter (if you are dairy free use melted coconut oil)
1 tsp aluminum free baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
3 TB honey
½ cup blueberries

  1. Put everything into a medium mixing bowl EXCEPT the blueberries and blend with a hand mixer until completely combined.
  2. Fold the blueberries in with a spoon.
  3. Scoop the batter into silicone muffin cups or a buttered muffin tin.
  4. Bake at 350 for about 22 minutes.

Picture 7937

Kitchen Tips:

  1. A double or triple batch will come together in no time – batch it up and freeze for a stash that you can pull out of the freezer quick! They thaw overnight perfectly or you can take them out frozen and warm them up in the oven while the kids get ready for school.
  2. I understand almond and coconut flours can be expensive. Keep in mind that a little goes a long way and that online is going to be cheaper than store bought in most cases. Also keep in mind that by doing a filling breakfast like this with these type of flours makes it so those bellies are nice and full of good protein and fats compared to an all grain muffin. We still do all grain sides but this is a nice change up for the gut, and Is very filling for a long morning away from home. They probably won’t even need a snack or a very small one at that when they do a breakfast like this. I typically just send my preschooler to school with a small piece of fruit to have while the other kids are having snack time, and that is perfect for her. I like her to be ready for a good lunch when she gets home 😉
  3. If you try the raisins or the apple chunks try adding some cinnamon!
  4. If you have never worked with grain free flours before like these – the texture of the batter is THICK. It’s ok 🙂 That is how it is supposed to be – don’t add more liquid!
  5. If your babe is over 1 year you can try these as a fun first toddler finger food breakfast! Over 1 because of the almonds (nuts) obviously.

a simple real food recipe :: grain free blueberry breakfast muffins


What is your go to school morning breakfast? Let me know how you like the muffins if you try them!

This post was shared at Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday and The Polivka Family’s Family Table Tuesday!

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  • Karen
    September 6, 2013 at 10:19 am

    So excited to find your blog via pinterest. Whipped up a batch of muffins the other day,hubby and I enjoyed them for breakfast, snack and snack. Substituted a few thing that I already had, tapioca four for coconut flour and xylitol for honey. Your recipe is quick and easy. Thank you.

    • Renee
      January 1, 2014 at 8:21 pm

      Perfect! THanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!

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  • Michelle Mixa
    January 26, 2013 at 8:45 am

    I have tried A LOT of grain free muffins on my day and these are really good. The texture is very ‘muffin-y’ and there is no coconut flour aftertaste. Thanks for the recipe and a some inspiration for something different for breakfast!

    • Renee
      February 11, 2013 at 5:53 pm

      Perfect! Thanks for the feedback 😉