I started making our own crackers last year. I was sick of NOT buying the ones in the store for so long because the ingredients in them were so processed.
I love having a few crackers with my soup. And although there were a very minimal few crackers in the health food store that I would have considered “ok” to buy, I just wasn’t budgeted to pay 5 or 7 bucks for a tiny box of a handful of crackers!These crackers are SO delicious! They actually end up tasting almost like a cheese cracker, but are traditionally mild enough that they are great for soup or dressing up with cream cheese or peanut butter for snacks or lunch.
I usually end up doing the brown rice flour versus the spelt or wheat since I like to use them as a “grain change up” so we aren’t just eating wheat bread all week. It is a good practice for the digestion in your gut to rotate your grains. We’ll do sandwiches a few days, crackers a few days, and occasionally have a grain free day.
Try them out and let me know what you think! Change them up with different seasonings to make herbed crackers – they are so yummy!
- 3 ¼ cups brown rice flour, spelt flour, or whole wheat flour
- 1 cup softened butter
- 1 cup whole organic yogurt
- 1 tsp sea salt
- The night or day before you want to make the crackers, combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. It works best with your hands. It takes a few minutes to really combine it. It will feel a little dry but it will get more pliable as it is under the light in the oven and warms up.
- Cover the dough with a tea towel in the bowl and a dish over top so it doesn’t dry out. Place it under the light in the oven or a warm spot in your kitchen for 12-24 hours. This soaking process breaks down the phytic acid in the flour making it easier on the gut to digest.
- The next day, spread the dough thin over 2 cookie sheets. You’ll need to use your hands to work it across the sheets.
- Sprinkle sea salt over the dough and cut into the size crackers you want. (I use a pizza cutter but a butter knife would work too.)
- Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Rotate your cookie sheets about 10 minutes in, and keep an eye on them around the 15 minute mark in case your oven runs differently than mine.
Kitchen Tips:
- I used a lot of explanation in the directions but it really isn’t as fussy as it seems. It usually takes me about 7 minutes to prep the night before, and the next day about 5 minutes to get it ready for the oven.
- I don’t grease my cookie sheets EXCEPT I do have one old one that if I’m using that one the crackers tend to stick on that one a bit so I very lightly grease it with some butter or coconut oil – they come right up off the sheet after cooling though.
- My usual method is to prep before I go to bed and make them in the morning. When I was working I either did them on the weekend OR I would make the dough the night before and bake them off in the evening.
- This batch makes a good 3ish quart freezer bag fulls. They freeze great so you can double up and freeze flat in freezer bags. The method to make them goes so quick to me that I just make them up every few weeks or so.
- Change up the flavor by mixing in different herbs into the dough or to sprinkle on top for herbed crackers. It is super good!
Let me know how the kids like them if you try them out!
This post was shared at The Polikva Family’s Family Table Tuesday, and Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday!
Jaymee Houser
March 26, 2013 at 2:33 pmWe loved these when they came out, but a few days later the flavor seemed to change?
Should I have stored them in the fridge?
April 6, 2013 at 6:26 pmHi Jaymee! Sorry I missed this question and didn’t see it sooner – I didn’t get an email from it!
Yes I have noticed I prefer them stored in the fridge although we eat them either way – a lot of times I store the majority in the freezer and pull them out the day of -they thaw out within an hour so I’ll pull a handfull out if I know I’m gonna need them for snacks or lunch that day. Thanks for asking and for the feedback!