Portable bowl of oatmeal?!

Grab and go out the door before school, off to the park, or off to work!
Sound good?
Good! Let’s do this!

You’ll Need:
- 2 cups oats
(Not quick oats. If you are gluten free be sure they say gluten free oats – like THESE
- ¼ blended oats (This is just oat flour – I just grind them up quick in my mini food processer)
- ½ cup raw sunflower seeds
, chopped (I buzz them quick in the mini food processer)
- ¼ tsp sea salt
- ¼ cup whey
- 2 eggs, beaten lightly with a fork (If you are egg free you can use 2 bananas or egg replacer
- 1 cup strawberries, chopped (most of the year I do these with apples since they are in season longer and it works great!)
- 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
(Price compare with your health food store – I usually get my cheaper in the bulk section of ours.)
- 1½ TB coconut flour
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 2-3 TB pure maple syrup (Or honey. I get mine from a local farmer)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
1. The night before you want to make them, place the oats, oat flour, sunflower seeds, salt, and whey in a medium mixing bowl and cover with filtered water. Leave this to sit overnight (or 8-12 hours). This soaking process breaks down the phytic acid in the oats and seeds making them easier on the gut to digest.
2. The next morning dump the mixture in a mesh strainer for a minute or two while you get the rest of the ingredients ready and into the mixing bowl.
3. Put the mixture back in the mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients, mixing to combine well.
4. Drop cookie sized portions onto a Silpator parchment paper lined baking sheet and bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them around that 12 minute mark in case your oven runs different than mine.
Kitchen Tips:
1. Do up a couple batches on the weekend and you will have breakfast done for the week or for your freezer stash!
2. I usually make these in the fall with chopped apples and cinnamon – give it a try for cinnamon apple oatmeal cookie!
3. Send along a hardboiled egg with the kids if they are bigger breakfast eaters (that is a good thing!). We usually make breakfast our biggest meal of the day so I usually serve one of these with eggs or a small smoothie.
4. It is a great idea to ditch the cold cereal bars and cold cereal bowls for breakfast – they are so toxic. Read THIS to educate yourself!

Your Turn!
Let me know how you like them!
This post was shared at Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday and The Polikva Family’s Family Table Tuesday!