As I carried my sweet baby girl throughout the 40 + weeks of pregnancy, I was taken back so many times by the love I already had for the incredible miracle in this precious baby. I was also struck often by the love other people had for this little one that they hadn’t even met. Daddy, Mommy, big brother, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends already loved this little girl before they even could hold her or see her.
As Valentine’s Day comes around this year, I am not only celebrating the love I have for my husband, but also the love I have for the little ones in my life. There are lots of sweets and gifts perfect for my toddler, but for my baby girl, I couldn’t come up with too many ideas! I have shared I See Me! with you before, and I’ve also on many occasions shared my love for books and reading. I found the perfect book through I See Me! for our sweet little girl for Valentine’s Day this year. It is personalized with her beautiful name, as well as the names of some of the people who love her so much!
Who Loves Me? is the perfect book for a child of any age to celebrate the people who love them. It is beautifully illustrated and contains the name of those who love her, as well as her own name throughout the book. It also is available as a special gift set with special personalized stickers.
This year on Valentine’s Day as you think of ways to celebrate those you love, don’t forget to share the love of reading with your littlest loves and give them a book they can cherish forever, a book with pages telling them just a few of the people who love them. I See Me! also offers many other personalized gifts and books for your special little ones. Order by 2/2 for Valentine’s Day delivery.
Each day as she grows, my love for the sweet baby she is, and the little girl and woman she will eventually become, gets stronger and stronger. I love you baby girl!