My Lili just loves to play on the computer. I normally only let her do a couple games that we have or venture to ONE trusted site. The internet is a scary place for a young kid. That is why I choose things that keep her attention for as long as I am able to let her be on the computer.
“ABCmouse.com is subscription-based, with no advertising, pop-up ads, or links to other sites. Children can learn and explore with their parents, or on their own (depending on age and ability), in a safe and secure online educational environment.”
When I was contacted to review this site, I was pretty excited to learn about it. The whole set up process is very simple and the “Getting Started” video is VERY informative and covers so much information. I was a little intimidated going into this experience, but after I watched that video and started venturing through the site, I was much less intimidated. It’s very user friendly.
This site is great because it is not just all games. Games are fun, but I like to incorporate learning into everything we do around our house. There are over “2,000 individual learning activities, including online books, games, songs, puzzles, art activities and printables contained within more than 350 custom lesson plans spanning
six academic levels—all tailored for preschool-, pre-k- and kindergarten-aged children.”
One of the other fun things I like about this site is their ticket and reward section. After your child finishes up a section or an activity, they are awarded tickets. There is a tally at the top of the page that counts how many tickets are earned each time your child plays. They can then use these tickets to earn rewards. So fun…and rewarding! 🙂
There is a parent’s section that us parent’s can go into and track our children’s progress. “All users are able to add up to 3 children to each family account. Each child will have his/ her own user account complete with full access to all site content and features independently of one another, including custom avatars, tickets earned to “buy” virtual items, etc. Further, parents can track each child’s individual progress separately.”
You get to select a teacher for the classroom your child will be in and then create an “avatar” to represent your child on the site. Lili had fun doing this too! 🙂 We have already changed clothes on her avatar a few times.
You can choose different levels of learning too. Lili is technically in pre-school but she knows quite a bit more already than they are teaching them in preschool. So I wasn’t sure what level to enter her into on ABCmouse.com.
The last thing I want to mention, is pop up games! While you are setting up your child’s account, there are fun little pop up games – Mini-Games While you Wait. I admit I caught myself getting stuck doing these games even after the set up was ready to go. Lili can even play these games as she in changing from one section on the site to another.
GET YOUR OWN!! You can start learning more over at ABCmouse.com today by clicking the link. The process is very simple and I think you will love it.
You can also find them on Facebook too!
*I was provided with a full access media account free of charge from ABCmouse.com to experience the site first hand in order to conduct this review. The ideas and opinions expressed are my own.*