In media/ music & movies

an appalachian adventure with the okee dokee brothers :: review

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Logo_CYC_nobackground_squareMy girls are finally big enough this summer that I fell confident taking them hiking. I’m not taking them on a trek on the Appalachian Trail, but I think a couple hours more locally is totally in our realm of possibility. Whether you are also looking forward to some hiking this summer or not, the new Through The Woods album from The Okee Dokee Brothers is a fun album to listen to on your summer adventures.

through-the-woods-album-cover-nospineThrough The Woods was inspired by latest adventure of The Okee Dokee Brothers. As they took a month long trek along the Appalachian Trail, hiking, camping, and meeting the mountain musicians, Joe Mailander and Justin Lansing (aka The Okee Dokee Brothers), wrote the songs for the Through The Woods CD and DVD.

I always know when an album we are listening to for the first time is a hit with my family when the girls immediately start jamming along. Toe-tapping, finger snapping, and air banjo playing (like air guitar, only with a banjo) all promptly followed the beginning of this album. If you have not yet witnessed it, the air banjo makes a lovely accompaniment to some of the other instruments found on the album such as an actual banjo, bones, mouth bow, fiddlesticks, pots, pans, hambone, washboard, jaw harp, fiddle, and many more!

The Okee Dokee Brothers backpackingThe CD has migrated to our collection of car tunes and for an indoor fix of The Okee Dokee Brothers my girls enjoy watching the Through The Woods DVD. This 40-minute documentary film tells the story of the travels that inspired this album. My girls and I enjoyed watching as Justin and Joe interviewed some of the local musicians and interacted with some of the local not-so-wild wild life. The included music videos and educational segments were a great way to keep my curious minded kids engaged.

A great CD for enjoying on our summer travels and a great DVD to enjoy on rainy days or when we just need a break from our summer adventures. If you’d like a little taste of the Appalachian Trail this summer without actually traveling the Appalachian Trail, I suggest checking out Through The Woods from The Okee Dokee Brothers.

Through The Woods :: $20.00

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