The dress came with leggings that again, made her smile, because she LIVES in leggings. Don’t even say the “j” word around her. Jeans aren’t her thing! That is another benefit of shopping with Fab Kids. They curate these adorable outfits that go together. But, you can wear them together, you can also mix and match. So, my kids always have a slew of different combinations they can wear in their closet. You know, when they are clean. How do I tackle all this laundry. Oy! But that topic is for a completely different post LOL!
Let’s talk about how you can gift this to a family member or friend though. After all, it is that time of year! Since Fab Kids is the gift that keeps on giving, each and every month for a minimal price, why not offer this as a gift to someone on your list. I don’t know any child that wouldn’t love to be able to pick out a new outfit each and every month! Are you a grandparent that lives at a distance? How cool would this gift be? An excuse, if you need one, to talk with your grandchildren and do a little shopping together. Each month! Totally fun if you ask me!
Or, what if you only wanted to do a one time gift? They have gift cards too! It’s easy to get signed up, you can read more at Fab Kids. You can set up each child of the family in the account, easy peasy! Feel free to browse my other Fab Kids posts on here too so you can see the variety they offer!
Well, what do you think? Would you do this as a gift option in the coming month here? Or eve for a birthday? I’d love to hear what ideas you have for me!
Brandy (Lynn W rafflecopter)
December 10, 2014 at 2:37 pmThat heart dress is adorable!