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#aSIMPLEchristmas :: be a gifting hero this holiday! #WyshMe

“My blog post was written as part of my collaboration with WyshMe.”

WyshMe logoI absolutely LOVE these upcoming holidays, but what I do NOT love is all the guessing games when it comes to gift giving. Don’t we all enjoy giving gifts even more than getting them? You bet! It’s an even better feeling when you know the gifts you are giving are gifts that others genuinely want.

Another scenario. Let’s say you asked for a handful of things, but you just aren’t sure what you are going to get, if anything…yet you still really want the item? Well, wouldn’t it be fabulous if there was something out there that let you know that what you wanted was purchased by someone via an app? That would totally take the guess work out of the scenario, right? You are happy and the gift giver is happy knowing you got what you want. You totally want to know more now, don’t you!!??

From here on out you’ll never doubt your gift giving with a new app called WyshMe!

WyshMe is a new gifting app that makes the gift-giving process fun and easy by giving you access to the actual wishes of your social network.

In a nutshell, WyshMe allows you to…

  • share gift giving ideas with friends and family
  • build WyshLists
  • manage your gifting and wish list needs

Wysh List

All of this in one simple little app! I have been utilizing this app and I can tell you first hand, this will alleviate a lot of guess work for me this year….. and I am having so much fun using it.  I have found a lot of “Wyshes” through the wide variety of items and I even have a few “WyshLists” (a group of wishes) going already for my girls and my husband.  Just tonight, we picked our secret santa names for my family’s side and this is on my mind. Heck, most of my ideas shared tonight were from the app!

Here is one thing I would like to add that I pulled from the help page on wyshme.com.  I think it really gives some clarity as to what a Wysh actually is:

“What’s a Wysh? A Wysh is a free virtual gift you can give and receive. It’s a digital version of a real gift that you can send for free to figure out whether it will make a perfect gift. You can Wysh anyone, including yourself by selecting Me on your list of Wysh recipients. Any Wysh you make for yourself is anonymous – no one will know you self-wyshed unless you choose to let them know.”

Is WyshMe for you?
Do you want to stay organized and manage your gift giving responsibilities?
Do you want to get the perfect gift giving information from your friends and family? (via WyshLists)
Do you want safe transactions?
Do you want to find great gift giving products from 100+ merchants?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then WyshMe is for YOU! What will you wysh for today???

Oh yah – one more thing! Would you like to be a hero? You can enter weekly and become just that if you are a winner! Enter the weekly ‘Wysh It Win It Sweepstakes’ and you might be one of the randomly selected Wysh’s! If your wysh is randomly selected, the sender will be rewarded with a #$100 gift card to make that Wysh come true. Wahoo!!

Wysh now :: www.wyshme.com
Official rules :: www.wyshme.com/sweepstake_rules.html

WyshMe.  The perfect gift.  Every time.  Find it. Share it. Gift it. Love it.


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  • Sarah Hayes
    November 28, 2014 at 1:10 am

    this app sounds great! anything to make the holiday gift buying process easier gets a big yes from me.

    • Shannon
      December 2, 2014 at 8:20 am

      Goodness, isn’t that the truth!! 🙂