Remember last week when I started sharing some of my family’s new favorite games from Wonder Forge? You can view the post HERE. Well, today is the second installment…
Family Game Night doesn’t happen at our house just once a week, we actually have Family Game Night most every night. Instead of watching television or playing electronics before…
Today I had a very interesting conversation with my 7-year-old about how “Daisy at the gym said that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are just your parents giving you…
As far as my children are concerned this year Christmas cannot come fast enough. While I’m still making them hold off on a full on Christmas extravaganza we are…
Today my girls and I had a chance to hang out with some of our dear friends. As the afternoon progressed so did the silliness, volume level, and destruction.…
Here’s a universal truth I’ve noticed about moms (and maybe it’s just the moms I know): We tend to delude ourselves with thoughts of “Come fall things will slow…
Achoo! Welcome to cold & flu season, one of the favorite times of the year for parents across the country. (Can you sense my heavy dose of sarcasm here?)…