How are you doing fellow moms captaining this new journey? We are all in unchartered waters to be certain. Alright, I’ll end my “sea theme”. The entry above was…
The internet has been heavily on my mind. We’ve had some really disappointing situations recently. My resolve to keep the minds of our kids safe, healthy, and focused on…
In 2017 I was the mom who hand molded homemade Rice Krispy Treats into basketballs and painted chocolate lines on them. There’s more… I created a hoop with a…
Hi I’m Ginny, I’m not an artist and I don’t particularly like crafts. I have no business making my own cards, but I realized this weekend that we forgot…
We had a great time in Oakland on Saturday night. For the second time, we enjoyed Supercross LIVE and it didn’t disappoint. You don’t have to be a die…
Have you heard about the new show on PBS kids? It’s called Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum. It’s one of those shows that your kids will watch that…
Have you ever watched a Supercross event? Don’t miss your chance to experience the most competitive and highest-profile off-road motorcycle racing championship in the world – Monster Energy AMA…
Happy New Year! We hit the ground running from our Christmas break. Seems like a good time to talk about those feet we have running everywhere! Our boys are…