As we flipped the calendar this week into August the Back to School bug started to make itself known in my house. I homeschool our two oldest kiddos, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t also both look forward to and dread the Back to School schedule that is quickly approaching.

Thankfully my friends at General Mills Cereals had sent me a care package the other week full of some fun Back to School tips from fellow parents, recipes for both meals and snacks, cereal (Tip: keep your favorite General Mills cereals on hand for EASY meals and snacks), and some great info about the Box Tops program. I’ll be completely honest, this really made my day and got me excited to start planning out all the needed Back to School things for my family!
One of my favorite things from this care package was some great info bout the Box Tops program. Did you know that the Box Tops program is celebrating 20 years of helping America’s Schools? In this time $780 million has been earned by schools to help fund things like playground equipment, technology, field trips, and even basic school supplies. This is such great program that even I collect all the Box Tops that come through our house and give them to friends who have children in traditional schools.

Okay, after we all remember to purchase products with Box Tops and to save them up, there are still a million other details to get lined up for school. After reading Back to School tips sent to me from fellow parents I got to thinking about what would be my number one tip to share for Back to School and here it is…
Keep a family calendar :: we have a monthly and a weekly calendar that allow me to keep track of everything from meal plans to activities. This is where I coordinate doctor’s appointments, babysitter schedules, weekly activities and practices and keep the entire family in the loop.
So, if you were to impart one piece of Back to School wisdom what would be your best tip?
August 27, 2016 at 11:59 pmhaving a schedule makes life easier for everyone. I even have a cleaning schedule, and I’ve found it means the house stays cleaner. Monday and Thursday are vaccuming days, Friday and Tuesday are shopping, etc
August 31, 2016 at 10:22 pmHaving a schedule has helped us keep sane as well!
Maryann D.
August 7, 2016 at 7:18 amI had no idea that Box Tops program is celebrating 20 years of helping America’s Schools! I think it is wonderful and I contribute my box tops whenever I can.
shelly peterson
August 5, 2016 at 4:40 amMy son loves collecting box tops. I did not know the program has been around for 20 years. When it comes to school I just make sure I plan ahead as much the night before and make sure my son gets back on a school sleep schedule 2-3 weeks before school starts.
August 10, 2016 at 9:30 pmGetting them back on a school schedule early is so important!
August 4, 2016 at 6:05 pmI’m so glad to see they’re still doing Box Tops at schools. Every bit helps.