We went to the dentist last week and my son told the hygienist that he usually brushes his teeth for 2 minutes but since he found out we were coming to see them, he’d been brushing for
three minutes this week. Oh, that kid. He slays me. When my kids were smaller, we had a problem with them “brushing their teeth.” And by “brushing their teeth” I mean putting a giant glob of toothpaste on the toothbrush, giving one good scrub, and then spitting out the big pink glob into the sink. That was back when we only had 2 kids. (Man, that seems like a lifetime ago)! But at the time I we searching for ways to make brushing (and brushing long enough) fun. I tried several things and either the kids didn’t care or it was too hard for me to keep track of amidst the chaos of the day. I finally stumbled upon Firefly toothbrushes. Back then they were simple little toothbrushes…but with a blinky light! You start the blinking when you start brushing and when it stops you can stop. Easy peasy. We’ve used Firefly toothbrushes almost every day for at least 4 years.
Firefly recently upped their game though. Now they have STAR WARS toothbrushes! Did you catch that? STAR WARS. My kids are obsessed with Star Wars. As soon as I opened the box they grabbed the light saber toothbrushes and had a itty bitty battle with ObiWan and Darth clanging and clashing. Just like the original Firefly toothbrushes we got way back when, these blink for 60 seconds, reminding the kids to keep on cleaning until the blinking stops.
AND…we also got a chance to try the new ReadyGoBrush blinking Star Wars toothbrushes, too! I was super impressed with these. They also blink for 60 seconds but there are 3 different blinky lights! Green is Go. Yellow is Change. (Very important because my children tend to think that they need to brush their tooth, not their teeth). And then Red and you’re done.
Okay, I know I’ve chattered quite a bit about toothbrushes. But stay with me for one more sec. I haven’t had a chance to tell you about the sweepstakes that Firefly is doing. Starting today you can enter Firefly’s May the Fourth LEGOLAND sweepstakes! You can find all the details on Firefly’s facebook page.
the southerner :: bridget is a mom and chauffeur to four tiny humans. she and her family live on a farm in an idyllic little southern town. they have a grumpy old dog and a kitten who likes to attack feet and eat crayons (but not at the same time). bridget likes to read, write, or pray in color late at night when the house is quiet.
Find more of Bridget on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.
Keara B.
May 1, 2015 at 6:08 pmIs it weird to say that I would love a Star Wars toothbrush? 😉 Anyway, these look awesome. We’re struggling to get my almost-4-year-old to brush long enough. We’ll brush for a short time and she’ll say “Done!” and close her mouth. I think having a toothbrush like this would really help encourage her to brush longer.