I am heading to BlogHer with SO many amazing bloggers next week. I have some goodies I will be bringing along from one of my favorite publishers!! Because I love them so much, I wanted to share the love with the other bloggers out there that may not know about some of these books. In saying that, I have put together a list of books that I will have to hand out, one of each.
Please email me direct, shannon {at} thesimplemoms.com or tweet me @ItsAllPink2Me or @theSIMPLEmoms with what book you are interested in. Be sure to leave your twitter handle so I can get in touch with you at the conference! I don’t have my schedule confirmed yet (and if you already do, I’m SO jealous!!) 🙂 But once I know where all these books will be going, I will let you all know who they will be going to with a tweet!
Last, even if you aren’t going to BlogHer, I have linked all of the books below. Please take some time and check these out. Some of them are my kids’ favorites!!
Jesus Calling, Bible Storybook by Sarah Young :: 16.99 {GOING TO KRISTIN}
*Ages 5-7

*Ages 5-10

*Ages 3+

*Ages 8-11
*A heart-pounding fantasty, which is a trendy genre with today’s teens
*Part of the Acceleterated Reader program used by thousands of schools nationwide

Heather st.clair
July 18, 2013 at 11:09 pmWould love the door within. My twitter handle is @heatherstclair
Shannon :: owner
July 19, 2013 at 4:55 pmYou got it! Now we have to meet up 🙂
July 18, 2013 at 2:14 pmI would love the “Jesus Calling” Bible Storybook
Shannon :: owner
July 19, 2013 at 4:55 pmI need your twitter handle Kristin – Let me know! 🙂