In coupons & deals

buying or selling online? try #UbokiaEverywhere this time!

Ubokia.  Heard of it?  I had not.  Let’s start with the basics: is an online community designed to help you get exactly what YOU want, whether it’s a bicycle, a job or a few good volunteers. Share your WANT on Ubokia, and the community works to help fulfill it. It’s a simple and powerful way to connect with the people and things you’re passionate about.
{You can read more on it HERE too.}

After reading a little about it, I was completely intrigued. Life is busy, so to have a trusted place you can go (that isn’t as overwhelming as eBay, Craigslist, etc.), to shop and sell items is a win-win in my book.  Ubokia is just that.  Plus, it gets better.  Prices are very comparable to many other online retailers AND you can put in search criteria to find exactly what you are looking for.

Ubokia is a trusted source.  Here are some of the standards they work from:

  • Consumers should define their experience.
  • Trust and Security is paramount.
  • Sellers should work on the buyer’s terms, not the other way around.

The process of adding items to sell is quite simple.

And the process to purchasing, just like any other search engine, really.

I could post directions on how to do this, however why do what’s already been done!  Head over to Ubokia and read {with images} exactly how to do it.  Click HERE to be sent direction to the site.  Check out the site:

Last, I have some key points I wanted to leave you with regarding Ubokia:

  • With uTrust, Ubokia is the safest way to buy online.
  • Buying through a blog marketplace means you are connecting with other like-minded people – making it easier to find what you want and in general your interactions are more pleasant than something like Craigslist.
  • Ubokia is easier for buyers because all they have to do is post a want and let sellers come to them. No more searching!
  • Ubokia is easier for sellers because they don’t have to wait to potential buyers to view their products. They can immediately connect with buyers.

“I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.”

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