Rags, Hero Dog of WWI: A True Story :: this is an extremely touching story about a very special dog named Rags. Rags was a stray on the streets of Paris before he adopted Private James Donovan from the United States Army. During WWI the US did not have an official canine division and thus Rags became an unofficial part of the First Division as he cheered soldiers on the battlefield, delivered messages from the frontlines, and was even wounded in the same battle as his friend Donovan. Rags is an amazing TRUE story about how one little dog became a hero and showed off his big heart. Written by Margot Theis Raven this book includes an epilogue about Rag’s life after WWI and the remaining years of his life. Petra Brown’s illustrations do a beautiful job of conveying the time period and perils experienced by Rags and Donovan without being scary. This book was a double thumbs up from my girls. Ages 6-10; 32 Pages
Once again we can follow along with brother and sister Digger and Daisy as these two dogs explore the world around them and experience new adventures. Author Judy Young and illustrator Dana Sullivan have teamed up again to bring you books 3 & 4 in this series, Digger and Daisy Go to the Doctor and Digger and Daisy Go to the City. These two books are both part of the I AM A READER! series and are have additional activity and coloring pages available at www.I-Am-A-Reader.com. Both books are for Ages 4-6 and 32 pages.

Janet W.
April 18, 2015 at 6:01 amMy grandsons love dogs and love reading stories that have dogs in it. These books look cute!