Maleficent is definitely NOT new to this site. I have talked about the movie, meeting some of the people from Maleficent as well as announcing the DVD release. Well……you…
You know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, I’m going to make that the most accurate statement of the day given today’s post. If you…
If your house is anything like mine, we are still completely FROZEN obsessed. Like, it’s a daily occurrence, at least a reference about the movie or watching it. Instead…
It’s bears. The whole time in the Disneynature movie. And it’s AWESOME! I was a little concerned when learning about it that my girls would get bored. However, I…
Tomorrow, at noon EST, one of the most coveted races of the year becomes available for entry. I’m talking about the runDisney Princess Half Marathon Event registration!! Whether you…