I’ve seen far too many Facebook status updates that went something like this, “my phone is sitting in rice, please don’t try to reach me via my cell.” A…
Fancy and toilet paper don’t typically go in the same sentence. At least, not for me they don’t! That is…until now. Not all toilet paper is created equal many…
“Squeeze pouches” are all the rage right now with kids. So much so, that even popular brands such as Dole and Mott’s are hopping on the band wagon and…
I had the opportunity to review the Gro-Via Hybrid a while back and absolutely LOVED it. If you are interested, you can read that review HERE. Because I’ve had…
We have nearly completed our transition to sippy cups. My goal is always by their 1st birthday. However, I’m not opposed to keeping out a bottle or two when…
We just had Teacher Appreciate week last week at my son’s school and we also honored our Sunday school teachers at church. I’m always looking for unique gifts to…
Just call me Paula Dean… I LOVE butter!!! Butter on my popcorn. Butter on my pancakes. Butter to cook my chicken. Butter, butter, BUTTER! I won’t get into the…
Spring! Summer! …And having a baby that is on the move! I need durable clothing that breathes well, and covers little bare knees that are crawling around in the…